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Re: cant get completely well need advice by whereisdeborah ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   1/25/2004 10:38:48 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   1,868

Hi Dave:

I've seen many posting about cleaning out the colon, liver cleanses, etc., all of which are probably great advice. Look around and open up a message from 'shellycat' and then click on the button that says 'all messages from shelleycat'. She has some great advice. Other people, too, so just poke around in the forum and you'll find interesting ideas. Anti-fungals work good, but sometimes one anti-fungal can't get everything. There are many different strains, and some are resistant. If you haven't tried different ones, then do that, rotating every few months. And you're not supposed to stay on any one anti-fungal indefinitely. I've seen different theories about that, so maybe ask the experts at the health food store, but time off from any anti-fungal is important. (Maybe four weeks on and one week off, as an example.)

I will add, though, that it's possible you are also dealing with an allergy of some sort. Have you elminated wheat from your diet? There are other foods that cause allergies, too, but that seems to be the one most common that people don't think of. I don't deal personally with food allergies , but I've known two people who have cleared up eczema by going on the "Body Ecology Diet" -- it's strict, but it works well.

Oh, and if you're going to 'slip up' and have a drink now and again, make sure it's not a fermented one (e.g., beer or wine). Those are the worst (plus of course the Sugar content in wine). Try a distilled liquor in something not sweet (such as tonic).

Best of luck to you!


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