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WTB: Used Rife Books & Videos by tgparker ..... Lyme (Lime) Disease Forum

Date:   1/6/2006 2:06:56 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,393

WTB: Used Rife Books & Videos

Poor boy wants to buy used Rife Research Books:

Book(s) by Dr. James E. Bare D.C.
"Resonant Frequency Therapy"
"Building the Rife Beam Ray Device"

Video by James E. Bare D.C.
"The Beam Ray Device"
"Construction, Operation and Effects on Selected Micro Organisms."

Book by By Bryan Rosner
"When Antibiotics Fail: Lyme Disease and Rife Machines, With Critical Evaluation of Leading Alternative Therapies."

Book by Dr. Nenah Sylver
"The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing"

Please send info directly to me at:

Thanks in advance!



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