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The Parental et al thing - advice for you! by blueskyz ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   9/24/2003 3:16:07 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   937

First of all, kudos to you for the radical changes you are making in your life - you have really attended to the physical aspects with much reward! I don't know how much you've done on the mental - they are tied VERY closely together - but still independent of each other.

ANd kudos also to you for asking this question - because part of you apparently senses there's the potential for trouble here, and I'd echo that, cause I can get a sense of that potentialy myself, just from your post! You're brewing under there, anticipating what's coming, and ready to start shouting "DON"T YOU SCREW WITH MY CHOICES!" Okay, I exaggerate. But you have asked a good question and you were wise to ask it.

A few things to remember that will help perhaps:

How they respond to your choices is about them. How YOU respond to their responses is about YOU. You can't change them, convince them, or shut them up. You can only CHOOSE how YOU respond to what is taking place!

Pointing out the vegetarian dishes, especially when they have no idea what they're talking about, is quite likely annoying. But to them, it's most likely - and consciously - their way of supporting your choice and UNconsciously, perhaps easing their guilt for choosing a restaurant that isn't in line with your food habits.

Likewise the "getting all your nutrients" comment, which is also kind of a sublte, modified "CHANGE BACK" statement. They are doing what they understand. YOU are not (in their opinion). If they see YOU benefitting from your changes and choices, and these are choices they don't want to make, well then - they have something to deal with....or not, right? Thus comes rationalization, defense mechanisms, arguments, etc.

So, having said all that, my suggestion to you is twofold: They may or may not be able to let you be who you are, but you can certainly let them be who THEY are. I'm assuming everyone wants a "nice family visit" and keeping the topic off the table (so to speak) or choosing not to respond and debate it, will assist in that goal.

That's the end of my long-winded post in answer to your request!
Have a great trip and blessings-

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