Re: Fasting during a transition period? by blueskyz ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 2/23/2004 9:10:04 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,073
What a great question! I so applaud you for contemplating and connecting what many might think of as having no relation to each other, because as you have discovered - or perhaps correctly assumed - ridding your body of toxins has as much to do with emotional and habitual "trained" thinking pattern toxins stored in the tissues as it does the literal toxins in the colon, blood etc.
I can't answer your question for you, but I can give you some things to contemplate so that you can decide for yourself.
First, what took place during your first one? How rough was it on your body and on your mind? Did you struggle and fight with the Salt Water Flush (SWF) or the P&B shakes or drinking another glass of lemonade or even losing cravings for particular foods?
And secondly,how do you deal with transition and transformation in general? Setbacks? Are you more of a pollyanna and choose to find the blessing or do you tend to say "oh, that SO SUCKS!"
DO you see where I am going with these questions? Because it sounds as if the transition will be large enough on its own. Only you can tell if you are strong enough - mentally - to combine the MC AND the physical changes that will be taking place.
In fact, these changes that you are bringing about in your life will most likely affect - and have an effect - on more than just the actual graduating and moving, etc - and for more longer. I'd wager a guess that from some of the clues I picked up from your note, you might be open to receiving more of a transformation rather than a mere transition.
So. Another alternative might be to do the MC before and a bit after, or merely immediately after - the move and graduation. I also encourage you to do it longer than the 10 days IF you feel ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM-Y when you reach the 10 day end. Your body will know.
One last thing - depending on where you live, if you are in a colder climate, then into April would be more effective. Fasts are more productive in spring and/or in warm weather. Spring - yes - all the stuff that goes with that symbolically: birth, spring cleaning, blooming, cycles and rites of nature, and how the body mirrors the earth and nature. In winter (although March isn't technically still winter - it depends on if you're in Tennesse or Wisconsin, for instance), the body wants to conserve energy, fat, food, warmth and store things. Kinda the opposite of a fast!
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