Re: Tracey-Recommended to ask you by PTree. Re:Altered Dream State? by LoriAP ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum
Date: 11/11/2004 10:38:28 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,541
Hi, Anthony
I asked Andreas about this subject yesterday. He answered more to the nature of other dimensions, as I asked. But I was also wondering if our other states are aware that they are simply a projection. Wondering if they have similar experiences as this one: right now mine is in duality, aware of and gaining experience with unity consciousness.
Please comment if you like, especially since you are aware of some of your other states.
BTW, you have mentioned a couple of times 'get control of thoughts'. If you like, I would like to hear more about your thoughts on this.
Right now I find myself aware that mostly the negative perspective thoughts are first, then counteracted with positive, so I think they are equalized. I'm anticipating when they are more frequently positive to begin with, or judgement not even considered at all, just observations. I see it (no-judgement thoughts) as a layer underneath a heavy, controlling ego, or something.
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