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Dr. Hawkins Fans/Consciousness Calibrations by Lapis ..... Consciousness and Awareness

Date:   4/15/2004 12:09:00 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   39,567

Here is a consciousness energy resonation chart (revised)

Dr..hawkins...revised energy chart from 0-50,000

Citations: 1, 2 and 3 refer to Power vs Force, The Eye
of the I, and
I. Since the two editions of PvF have different page
numbering, references are to just the chapter in PvF. DHG refers
to posts in the "DrHawkinsGroup" Yahoo group, where someone refers to a calibration made by DH. Keep in mind that the quantifiable range of calibration for humankind is between 0 and 1000.

For background on Dr. Hawkins Calibration reasoning and methodology, I encourage you to pick up his books: Power vs Force and The Eye of the I.


7-35 -- Serial child killers calibrate between 7 and
35. 3-205

20 -- The level of Shame is perilously proximate to
death, which may be chosen out of Shame as conscious suicide or more subtly elected by failure to take steps to prolong life. Death by avoidable accident is common here. We all have some awareness of the pain of "losing face", becoming discredited, or feeling like a "nonperson". In shame we hang our heads and sink away, wishing we were invisible.
[rest in 1-IV]

20s -- The behavior of people whose consciousness is
only in the 20s is dangerous: they're prone to hallucinations of an accusatory nature, as well as paranoia; some become psychotic or commit bizarre crimes.
[in Shame, 1-IV]

30 -- Guilt, so commonly used in our society to
manipulate and punish, manifests itself in a variety of expressions, such as remorse, self-recrimination, masochism, and the whole gamut of symptoms of victimhood. Unconscious Guilt results in psychosomatic disease, accident-proneness, and suicidal behaviors...Guilt-domination results in a preoccupation with "sin", an unforgiving emotional attitude frequently exploited by religious demagogues, who use it for coercion
and control. [rest in 1-IV]

50 -- Apathy: This level is characterized by poverty,
despair and hopelessness. The world and the future look bleak;
pathos is the theme of life. Apathy is a state of helplessness; its victims, needy in every way, lack not only resources, but the energy to avail themselves of what may be available. Unless external energy is supplied by caregivers, death through passive suicide can result... This is the level of the homeless and the derelicts of society; it's also the fate of many of the aged and others who become isolated by chronic or progressive diseases. The apathetic are dependent; people in Apathy
are "heavy" and are felt as a burden by those around
them.... 1-IV

50s -- Persons who are in the energy field that
calibrates in the 50s will face a life of poverty and deprivation and may be born in a starving population, ravaged by disease and war. 2-170

60 -- Poorness can be seen as a quality characteristic
of a limited self-image, which then results in a scarcity of
resources. It isn't a financial condition, but a level of consciousness. The energy of that level of awareness calibrates at about 60. 1-XXI

65 -- The mantra A-u-m, as compared with Om, which
rates at 740. [see at 740]

70 - ...Rapacious carnivores dominated by lower
astral forces which reached their greatest expression during the age of the dinosaurs calibrate at 70. 3-416
70 -- Book of Revelations 2-62 [see New Testament at 740]
70 -- Book of Revelations and its author, John 3-198
70 -- Islamic Terrorism 3-11
70 -- The ego of the terrorist, which calibrates at
70... 3-394.

75 -- Grief: This is the level of sadness, loss and
dependency. Most of us have experienced it for periods of time, but those who remain at this level live a life of constant regret and depression... Part of the syndrome of Grief is the notion of the irreplaceability of what's been lost or that which it symbolized. There is a generalization from the particular so that the loss of a loved one is equated with the loss of love itself... Although grief is the cemetery of life, it
still has more energy to it than Apathy does. Thus
when a traumatized, apathetic patient begins to cry, we know they're getting better. Once they start to cry, they will eat again. [rest in 1-IV]
75 -- [the current Middle East, see quote at 190]

80 -- Drugs calibrate at only 80 or less. 3-190

90 -- Approximate world consciousness level at the
time of the Buddha.
90 -- [political extremes of far right (90) see at 190]
90 -- [corporations collapsing from greed and deception, etc., like Enron, as contrasted with Wal-Mart (high 300s) 3-247

100 -- Fear: At the level of 100 a lot more life
energy is available--fear of danger is healthy. Fear runs much
of the world, spurring on endless activity. Fear of enemies, of old age or death, of rejection, and a multitude of social fears are basic motivators in most people's lives. From the viewpoint of this level, the world looks hazardous, full of traps and threats... Fear limits growth of the personality and leads to inhibition. Because it takes energy to rise above Fear, the oppressed are unable to reach a higher level unaided.
Thus the fearful seek strong leaders who appear to
have conquered their own Fears to lead them out of its slavery.
100 -- Approximate world consciousness level at the
time of the birth of Jesus.
100 -- Alcohol or drugs do not have the power to
create a "high" at all; they calibrate at only 100 (the level of
vegetables). 1-VI

125 -- Desire: Even more energy is available at this
level; Desire motivates vast areas of human activity, including the economy... The desire for money, prestige or power runs the lives of many of those who have risen above Fear as their predominant life motif. Desire is also the level of addiction, wherein it becomes a craving more important than life itself... Desire is obviously a much higher state than Apathy or Grief, for in order to "get", you first have to have the energy to "want". TV has had a major influence on many oppressed
people, inculcating wants and energizing their longings to the degree that they move out of Apathy and begin to seek a
better life. Want can start us on the road to achievement... [rest in 1-IV]
125 -- [Monkey groups, see quote at 190]
125 -- Old Testament if Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs
are excluded.
[see at 190]
125 -- Hitler [cf. Neville Chamberlain at 185 and
Churchill at 510]
125 -- Extreme fundamentalist groups with explicit
reactionary political agendas can calibrate as low as 125. 1-XXIII

130 -- Karl Marx [DH in lecture Feb '04, acc to DHG
130 -- [Prophet Mohamed was at 740 when he wrote the
Koran (which is at 700) but dropped to 130 at age 38 when he suddenly took up the sword.] 3-241

150 -- Anger: Although Anger can lead to homicide and
war, as an energy level it's much further removed from death than
those below it.
Anger can lead to either CONstructive or DEstructive
action. As people move out of Apathy and Grief to overcome Fear as a way of life, they begin to want; Desire leads to frustration, which in turn leads to Anger. Thus Anger can be a fulcrum by which the oppressed are eventually catapulted to freedom. Fury over social injustice, victimization, and inequality has created great movements that led to
major changes in the structure of society. But Anger
expresses itself most often as resentment and revenge, and is,
therefore, volatile and dangerous. Anger as a lifestyle is exemplified by irritable, explosive people who are oversensitive to slights and become "injustice collectors", quarrelsome, belligerent or litigious...
[rest in 1-IV]
150 -- [If at birth a person's energy field is at 150,
that person's main confront will be anger, and they may spend a
life, or many lifetimes, with anger as the central theme.] 2-170
150 -- Attack is in itself inherently a very weak
energy attractor pattern (150) 1-XI
150 -- Punishment is based on revenge at the weak
energy level of 150. 1-XI
150 -- Society's drug problem requires an approach
calibrating at 350, and our current drug program calibrates at only 150. Therefore it's ineffective.. 1-VI
150 -- White supremacy groups 1-X
150 -- "Holy lands" -- "The sad/comical fact is that
the so-called 'holy lands' are some of the most unholy places on
earth. Paradoxically, these legendary pieces of real estate
that have cost the lives of multitudes of people over the ages
calibrate very low
(150)." [compared with better places to pray, NYC's
Central Park or Empire State Building, 425 and 465] 3-322

165 -- Catholic Church position on pedophilia 3-12,13

175 -- Pride...has enough energy to run the United
States Marine Corps... In contrast to the lower energy fields,
people feel positive as they reach this level... Pride generally has a good reputation and is socially encouraged, yet as we can see from the chart... it's sufficiently negative to remain below the critical level of 200. This is why pride feels good *only* in contrast to the lower levels...
Pride is defensive and vulnerable because it's dependent on external conditions, without which it can suddenly revert to a
lower level. The inflated ego is vulnerable to attack... Pride is
divisive and gives rise to factionalism; the consequences are costly. [endless wars]...
The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. These
characteristics block growth In Pride, recovery from addiction is
impossible because emotional problems or character defects are denied. The whole problem of denial is one of pride. [rest, 1-IV]
175 -- British Empire vs. Gandhi (700) 1-III
175 -- Colonialism [in general] 1-X

180 -- [Giraffes, see quote at 190]
180 -- "Politically correct" activists... they are
elitist and calibrate at 180, the level of pride and vanity of
egotism 3-62

185 -- [Pandas, see quote at 190]
185 -- "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" movie (which
cal. at 185)...
185 -- [world consc. level when DH was born in 1927,
DH, DHG post #555]
185 -- Neville Chamberlain [cf. Hitler at 125 and
Churchill at 510]

190 -- [Earth's collective consciousness level was at
190 for several centuries before jumping to 207 with the Harmonic
Convergence in 1987;
numerous cites.]
190 -- With an overall consciousness level of 190,
nuclear annihilation of mankind was not only a possibility but
a likelihood.
190 -- Note that a herd of elephants calibrates at
190, pandas at 185, giraffes at 180, monkey groups at 125, and the current Middle East at 75 (less smart than monkeys) 3-310
190 -- Old Testament calibrates at 190. However,
Genesis is at 660, Psalms is 650 and Proverbs is 350. If these are excluded the remaining books cal. at only 125.
190 -- Pride is a very powerful motivator, e.g.,
Hitler's Germany 2-79
190 -- Political extremes of both the far left (cal. level 190) and far right (cal. level 90) are.... 3-61
190 -- The attitude of superiority calibrates at 190
and is therefore antagonistic and creates enemies. 3-64

Below 200 -- Below... 200 society relies on force
rather than power.
Below 200 -- All levels below 200 are destructive of
life in both the individual and society at large. 1-III
Below 200 -- The consciousness level which supports
the death penalty is below 200 and is historically associated with the "spleen", considered the seed of hatred, vindictiveness, cruelty and revenge....
Below 200 -- [85% of the world population were under
200 acc. to Power vs. Force in 1995, that has improved to 78% in 2001.
Alternatively, those at 200 or above have increased from 15% to 22%, a near 50% improvement.] 2-29,30 and elsewhere
Below 200 -- Actions which arise from consciousness
levels below 200 are historically labeled as sin... It appeared that man could not rise above... 200 without help and thus the need for saviors, whose level of consciousness was so high that mere alignment with them brought one over the 200 level. 2-314
Below 200 -- Various levels of hells and the lower
astral domain 3-254

200 -- Courage: At the 200 level power first
appears... This is the level of exploration, accomplishment, fortitude and determination. At the lower levels, the world is seen as hopeless, sad, frightening or frustrating; but at the level of Courage, life is seen to be exciting, challenging and stimulating. Courage implies the willingness to try new things and deal with the changes and challenges of life... Growth
and education become attainable goals. There's the capacity to face fears or character defects and to grow despite them;
anxiety also does not cripple endeavor as it would at lower stages of evolution...
People at this level put back into the world as much
energy as they take; at lower levels populations as well as
individuals drain energy from society without reciprocating. [rest in 1-IV]
200 -- The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that
divides the general areas of force and power. 1-III
200 -- at ... 200 a polarity shift occurs. It is as
though from 200 up, the entity is positively charged, and below 200, negatively charged. 2-154
200 -- To be correct, Love really emerges at consciousness level 200 and intensifies until, at 500, it becomes the
predominant energy field. 2-278

200 or above -- [For kinesiology to give useful
results the questioner must be above 200 as well as the intent of the questioning; therefore someone with bad intent can't use the method for a harmful purpose.]

Above 200 -- All levels above 200 are constructive
expressions of power. 1-III

200-240 -- Inner astral planes (Heavens, with
persistence of form)

Just over 200 -- At just over the consciousness level
of 200, God is seen as the epitome of fairness, equality and freedom.

202 -- Many businesses and government bureaucracies
tend to calibrate at 202. 3-26
202 -- The teachers' union 3-63

207 -- [Earth's collective level jumped suddenly from
190 to 207 with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987; numerous cites]

209 -- [Earth's current collective level as per DH in
a recent lecture.]
Low 200s -- ...the low 200s are typified by unskilled
labor, rudimentary trade, and the building of simple
arifacts, such as dugout canoes and temporary housing. Mobility begins to express itself in the nomadic lifestyle, and in populations that average a somewhat higher consciousness, agriculture appears and barter evolves into the use of
token currency. 1-V

240 -- Rights. "The concept of rights calibrates at
240 whereas that of privilege calibrates at 520--a very large
difference." 3-377
240-500 -- Higher astral planes (Heavens; with
persistence of form)

Mid-200s -- The mid-200s are associated with
semi-skilled labor. Simple but life-sustaining housing and food economy become dependably available; clothing is adequate, and elementary education begins. 1-V

250 -- Neutrality: Energy becomes very positive as we
get to the level we have termed Neutral, because it's epitomized by release from the positionality that typifies lower levels. Below 250, consciousness tends to see dichotomies and take on rigid postions, an impediment in a world that's complex and multifactorial rather than black and white.... To be Neutral means to be relatively unattached to outcomes;
not getting one's way is no longer experienced as
defeating, frightening or frustrating.... People of neutrality
have a sense of well-being; the mark of this level is a confident
capability to live in the world. This is the level of safety--people at this level are easy to get along with and safe to be around and associate with because they are not interested in conflict, competition, or guilt. They're comfortable and basically undisturbed emotionally. This attitude is nonjudgmental and doesn't lead to any need to control
other people's behavior. Correspondingly, due to
Neutral people's value of freedom, they're difficult to control. 1-IV
250 -- Koko the gorilla... is truthful, affectionate,
intelligent and trustworthy; her integrity calibrates at 250. Thus one is safer with Koko, a gorilla, than with 85% of the humans on the planet. 1-XXIII

High 200s -- The high 200s are represented by skilled
labor, blue-collar workers, tradesmen, retail commerce, and
industries. At lower levels, for example, fishing is an individual or a tribal activity, but above the mid-200s, it becomes an industry. 1-V

285 -- average schoolroom now calibrates at 285 [cf.
early 1800s traditional US schoolroom which was at 405] 3-64

295 -- [enthusiasm and good will, Pledge of Allegiance
without "God", cf. 520 (love of one's country) with "God" included]

300 -- At the level of 300, we find technicians,
skilled and advanced craftsmen, routine managers, and a more sophisticated business structure. Completion of secondary education becomes customary. An interest in style, sport and public entertainment appears; TV is the great pastime at this level. 1-V
300 -- One individual at consciousness level 300
counterbalances the
negativity of 90,000 individuals below 200. 2-38

300s -- In the 300s politics becomes the hope for
Man's salvation and wars are fought over political ideologies, labels and slogans 2-58
300s -- Industry, in the 300s, has also been a benefactor to society.

310 -- Willingness: This very positive level of energy
may be seen as the gateway to the higher levels. For instance, at the neutral level, jobs are done adequately, but at the level of Willingness, work is done *well* and success in all endeavors is common. Growth is rapid here; these are people chosen for advancement. Willingness implies that one has overcome inner resistance to life and is committed to participation.... At this level self-esteem is high and is reinforced by positive feedback from society in the forms of recognition, appreciation, and reward.... [rest in 1-IV]

Mid-300s -- In the mid-300s, we find upper management,
artisans and educators with an informed awareness of public events and a worldview that extends beyond the tribe, neighborhood or city to the nation at large and its welfare. Social dialogue becomes a meaningful matter of interest.... 1-V

350 -- Acceptance: At this level of awareness, a major
transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is
oneself the source *and* creator of the experience of one's life.... All people at levels below 200 tend to be powerless and see themselves as victims, at the mercy of life. This stems from a belief that the source of one's unhappiness or the cause of one's problems is "out there". An enormous jump--taking back one's power--is completed at this level, with the realization that the source of happiness is within oneself.... There's
emotional calm with Acceptance, and perception is
widened as denial is transcended. One now sees things without distortion or misinterpretation; the context of experience is
expanded so that one is capable of "seeing the whole picture". Acceptance has to do essentially with balance, proportion and
appropriateness... [rest in

350 -- Book of Proverbs [see at 190]
350 -- The so-called high that the drug or alcohol
user experiences... can calibrate from 350 to 600. 1-VI
350 -- Society's drug problem requires an approach
calibrating at 350, and our current drug program calibrates at only 150. Therefore it's ineffective.. 1-VI

High 300s -- Wal-Mart [in contrast to the woeful
examples of corporations collapsing from greed, deception, etc.
(which cal. at 90)] 3-247

400 -- Reason: Intelligence and rationality rise to
the forefront when the emotionalism of the lower levels is transcended. Reason is capable of handling large, complex amounts of data and making rapid, correct decisions; of understanding the intricacies of relationships, gradations and fine distinctions; and expert manipulation of symbols
as abstract concepts become increasingly important....
Knowledge and education are here sought as capital.... The
shortcomings of this level involve the failure to clearly distinguish between symbols and what they represent, and confusion between the objective and subjective worlds that limits the understanding of causality.... Reason of itself does not provide a guide to truth.... Reason itself, paradoxically, is the major block to reaching higher levels of consciousness. Transcending this level is relatively uncommon in our society. 1-IV
400s -- The 400s are the level of the awakening of the
intellect, where true literacy, higher education, the
professional class, executives and scientists can be found. The home, which is devoid of reading materials at the lower levels, here exhibits magazines, periodicals and full bookcases. There's an interest in educational broadcast channels on TV, and a more sophisticated political awareness. Great communication adeptness, intellectual preoccupation, and artistic creativity are common.... 1-V
400s -- Modern society lives in the 400s--the age of
the university, the Internet, the newspaper, electronic
communications... 2-209 400s -- We could suspect that medicine and science, which are both in the 400s, would be a major contributor of positive benefits [to society] 2-309
400s -- ...rationality and intelligence do not prevail
as dominant bases for behavior and decision making until
consciousness reaches the... 400s. 2-204
400s -- The 400s... indicate mastery of the physical
domain. 2-218
400s -- In the 400s, therefore, God is replaced by
science as the font of all knowledge and the hope for the future 2-58
400s -- The disparaging of religion or spirituality by
the hardcore materialist scientist... is merely an expression of
the energy field of the 400s. 2-58
400s -- ...propensity to either/or-ness persists in
the 400s as "scientific" vs. "non-scientific". Thus Science itself is the home of a mechanistic reductionism and determinism which is held with the prevailing dogma that rivals that of the Church in the Middle Ages.
400s -- Theology is concerned with the consciousness
level of the 400s; enlightenment is concerned with the levels of
600 and over.
400s -- The levels of Science and Logic, which cal. in
the 400s and dominate our society, view values and motives of those in the 500s with skepticism and go on to deny any reality at all to the levels above 600. 2-70

Lower 400s -- In the lower 400s, particularly, there
is an egotism about the intellect, reason, and intellectualization 2-58

405 -- The traditional schoolroom of the first half of
the last century [1800s] in the US calibrates at 405. 3-63

425 -- The consciousness level of America is currently
[2001] at 425.
425 -- Central Park in New York City [see quote at

426 -- Causality. "Although causality (cal. 426) is a
major illusion..." [He is referring to the idea that it is
possible for something to cause an effect on something else, which most people hold as an unexamined truth.] 3-220

431 -- America currently [2003] calibrates at 431.
Modern civilized societies are in the 300s and 400s. 3-211

High 400s -- Erudition. "Although erudition represents
elegance of intellection, it still calibrates only in the high
400s." 3-402

455 -- ...Darwin and the Theory of Evolution calibrate
only at 455
(simplistic reasoning) which is insufficient to
penetrate or elucidate the mysteries of life. 3-401 [405 in the book is changed to 455 per errata slip.]

465 -- Empire State Building's observation deck [see
quote at 150]

474 -- Great Books of the Western World, which include
the writings of the greatest thinkers in history, calibrate at 474.

475 -- Current Bible calibrates at 475. If all the Old
Testament was excluded (except Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs) and if Revelations was excluded, then the Bible would be truly "holy" and calibrate at 740.

480 to 485 -- Theology (which calibrates from 480 to
485)... 3-86

485 -- [US Constitution if word "God" were removed;
cf. 705 with God incl.]

498 -- [level of truth of Christian practice has
remained at this level since the Crusades in 11th century; see quote at 930.]

499 -- Modern Judaism [see discussion at 985]
499 -- ...Newton and Descartes also calibrate at 499.
499 -- ...ordinary Newtonian causality-limited
paradigm of reality (which ends at calibrated consciousness level 499)...
499 -- ...499 is the level of intellectual genius.
499 -- Freud [compared to Jung at 540] 2-316 [see also
Jung cf. Freud at 560]
499 -- The level of Einstein and Newton (in discussion
of physics theories) 3-433
499 -- The level of Newton, Einstein, Freud, and all
the other great thinkers and scientists. 2-78

500 -- Love: ...The 500 level is characterized by a
Love that is unconditional, unchanging and permanent. It doesn't
fluctuate--its source is not dependent on external factors. Loving is a state of being. It's a forgiving, nurturing, and supportive way of relating to the world. Love isn't intellectual and doesn't proceed from the mind; Love emanates from the heart. It has the capacity to lift others and
accomplish great feats because of its purity of
motive. At this level of development the capacity to discern essence becomes predominant; the core of an issue becomes the center of focus. As reason is bypassed, there arises the capacity for instantaneous recognition of
the totality of a problem and a major expansion of
context, especially regarding time and process. Reason deals only with particulars; whereas Love deals with entireties. This ability, often ascribed to intuition, is the capacity for instantaneous understanding without resorting to sequential symbol processing.... 1-IV.
500 -- Love prevails at 500 but doesn't become
unconditional until 540. This means that some form persists from 500 to 540, so that Love is conditional. 2-278
500 -- To be correct, Love really emerges at
consciousness level 200 and intensifies until, at 500, it becomes the predominant energy field. 2-278

500 -- At 500 there is a major paradigm jump so that
what was real now seems unreal, and that which is unreal now seems to become "the real".
500 -- The level of the heart (500) becomes the bridge
from secularism, hardcore righteousness... and opens the
door for consideration of... benevolence, mercy and forgiveness
through understanding and nonjudgment. 2-59
500 -- [At 500] excellence is common in every field of
human endeavor... 1-V
500 -- Only 4% of earth's population reaches the level
of Love at 500... 2-29,30 [note: PvF ch. IV has 0.4% at this
level, ch. V and EyeOTI both have 4% at 500 or above and 0.4% (EOTI per errata slip) at
540 or above.]
500 -- One individual at 500 counterbalances 750,000
below 200. 2-38

500-600 -- Celestial realm (Heavens; has persistence
of form) 3-254
500-1000 -- Consciousness levels from 500 up to 1000
really denote what could be described as different realms or
dimensions. 2-57

510 -- Catholicism itself, currently 3-12,13
510 -- Churchill [cf. Hitler at 125 and Neville
Chamberlain at 185]

520 -- Privilege [cf. concept of rights, see quote at
240] 3-377
520 -- Much country music (surprisingly, it calibrates
at 520--the problems of the heart) 1-VII
520 -- Pledge of Allegiance calibrates at 520, which
is the level of love for one's country. If "God" were removed from the P of A its calibration level would drop from 520 to 295
(enthusiasm and good will). 3-75

535 -- The energy level of Christmas 1-VII

540 -- Joy: As Love becomes more and more
unconditional, it begins to be experienced as inner Joy. This isn't the sudden joy of a pleasurable turn of events; it's a constant accompaniment to all activities. Joy arises from within each moment of existence, ratherthan from any other source; 540 is also the level of healing and of spiritually-based self-help groups.... 1-IV
540 -- As [Love at 500] is perfected, it reaches the
level of Unconditional Love at 540, which is the level of
healing. Healing prayer services thus seek to replace negativity with an energy field of 540 or over. Some spiritual organizations calibrate at 540 or above and therefore provide a field of healing energy that is capable of
accomplishing "miracles". 2-138
540 -- ...only 0.4% [of earth's population] reaches
the level of 540, or Unconditional Love. 2-30
540 -- AA [Alcoholics Anonymous], ...has an overall
organizational energy field of 540 (unconditional love) 2-315
540 -- ["12-step" groups calibrate at Unconditional
Love, 540] 2-71
540 -- [Jung compared to Freud's 499]
540 -- [level of truth of Christian practice in 6th
century; see at 930]

540 up -- From level 540 up is the domain of saints
and advanced spiritual students and healers. A capacity for
enormous patience and the persistence of a positive attitude in the face of prolonged adversity is characteristic of this energy field; the hallmark of this state is compassion. 1-III
540 to 600 -- Near-death experiences, characteristically
transformative in their effect, have frequently allowed people to
experience the energy level between 540 and 600. 1-IV

550 -- "Zen Catholicism" spiritual group 3-12,13

High 500s -- At the high 500s, the world one sees is
illuminated by the exquisite beauty and perfection of creation.
Everything happens effortlessly, by synchronicity, and the world and everything in it is seen to be an expression of love and divinity. Individual will merges into divine will. A Presence is felt whose power facilitates phenomena outside conventional expectations of reality, termed *miraculous* by the ordinary observer. These phenomena represent the power of the energy field, not the individual. 1-IV High 500s -- The spiritual teachers in the high 500s are the ones who have the most contact with significant numbers of people. [see also 700.] 2-58
High 500s -- Study reveals that saintliness is a descriptive term
applied to people who have reached, usually, ... the high 500s. At this level joy leads many to become spiritual and
inspirational teachers, healers, great artists, or even great
architects who create the great cathedrals, great inspirational music, and the production of beauty in all its forms. 2-253
High 500s -- If we calibrate them [true teachers] they
usually calibrate from the high 500s on up, or, more rarely, to the 700s
High 500s -- Beauty is uplifting and calibrates in the
high 500s, which is akin to perfection. 2-136
High 500s -- The pleasure of the high 500s is most
probably accompanied by the release of endorphins. 3-149
High 500s -- Most major persuasions [of Christianity],
including Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Christian Science, (and many small denominations, such as the Quakers)--calibrate in the high 500s.

560 -- Jung; Freud remained below the critical level
of 500 because of his denial of man's spirituality; whereas Carl Jung, who affirmed the spiritual nature of man, calibrates at a much higher 560. 1-XXIII footnotes

575 -- Sainthood / very close to enlightenment [in
list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
575+ -- Bliss / "Sat-chit-ananda" 3-367,368

590 -- Pope at the time of recent meeting with Russian
Orthodox Church. 3-12,13

595 -- "Embraced By the Light" by Betty Eadie 1-IX

600 -- Peace: This energy field is associated with the
experience designated by such terms as transcendence,
self-realization, and God-consciousness. It's extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people.... Not uncommonly, individuals at this level remove themselves from the world, as the state of bliss that ensues precludes ordinary activity. Some become spiritual teachers; others work anonymously for the betterment of mankind. A few become great geniuses in their respective fields and make major contributions to society.
These people are saintly and may eventually be officially designated as such, although at this level, formal religion is
commonly transcended, to be replaced by the pure spirituality
out of which all religion originates. 1-IV.
600 -- At about ...600, bliss intervenes and worldly
activity stops, sometimes permanently. If the person is destined to remain in the world, the state is said to "ripen" and there is a slow return of the capacity to function. 2-254
600 -- The level 600 indicates crossing over from the
perceptual world of duality to the perceptual world of nonduality 2-22
600 -- Spirit and Man meet. The visible and the
invisible fuse into each other. It is a reference point to serve as a guide. It is the level of enlightenment. 2-57
600 -- Enlightenment / Bliss replaced by peace,
stillness and silence [in list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
600 -- [Beyond 600 previous incarnations and physical
deaths are easily remembered as well as the
circumstances and significance of each life.] 3-230
600 -- [concept of Shangri-La in the classic movie
"Lost Horizons"] 1-VI
600 -- One individual at 600 counterbalances 10
million below 200. 2-38 600 -- A Course In Miracles calibrates at 600. 2-315
600 -- 14th century Christian mysticism of Meister
Eckhart 1-XXIII 600 -- Kinesiological test and response calibrate at 600 2-22
600+ -- Higher heavens (nonform) 3-254
600 or higher -- In an energy field of 600 or higher
almost anything will heal. 1-XIX
600 and above -- Perception at the level of 600 and
above is sometimes reported as occurring in slow motion, suspended in time and space--nothing is stationary, and all is alive and radiant. Although this world is the same as the one seen by others, it has become continuously flowing, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance in which significance and source are overwhelming.
This awesome revelation takes place nonrationally, so
that there is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped
conceptualizing. That which is witnessing and that which is witnessed take on the same identity; the observer dissolves into the landscape and becomes equally the observed. Everything is connected to everything else by a Presence whose power is infinite, exquisitely gentle, yet rock-solid.

600 and over -- [see Theology at 400s; Enlightenment
is concerned with the levels 600 and over]

Above 600 -- [As consciousness level proceeds past 600
into the levels calibrated at 700 and beyond, even the world itself disappears.] 2-192

640 -- King James version of New Testament (trans.
from Greek) 1-XXIII

650 -- Psalms [see at 190]
650 -- "I Am" / Awareness of the "I" as being or
is-ness [in list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
660 -- Genesis [see at 190]

680 -- Self as Existence [in list of Enlightened and
Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]

700 -- An individual at 700 counterbalances the
negativity of 70 million individuals below the level of 200. 2-38
700 -- Sage / Self as God Manifest [in list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
700 -- [Spiritual teachers at this level are less
available and more legendary and their legacy consists of their recorded teachings; cf. high 500s] 2-58 700 -- Gandhi [contrasted w. British Empire representing force at 175]
700 -- Mother Teresa 1-VII
700 -- Ramana Maharshi, acknowledged Indian spiritual
saint 1-VII 700 -- Declaration of Independence [quotes given as
700 -- Gettysburg Address [ " " "
700 -- US Constitution 2-39 and other cites
700 -- The Koran [Mohamed was at 740 but fell to 130
taking up the sword 3-241] [note, the Koran is at 720 in 1-XXIII]
700 -- The French film "The Big Blue" about deep sea diver Jacques Mayol 1-XII
700 and beyond -- [As consciousness level proceeds
past 600 into the levels calibrated at 700 and beyond, even the world itself disappears.] 2-192

700s -- The aura emanating from persons who cal. in
the 700s has an attraction and an effect on visitors. They like to be near the presence, where they feel peace. In that energy field, so-called problems resolve spontaneously and serenity replaces fear and anxiety.
700s -- In the 700s there is usually withdrawal from
the ordinary world. 2-254
700s -- Whereas in the 700s teachers primarily address
individuals or groups, in the 800s and 900s the concern is with the salvation of mankind as a whole. 2-254
700s -- In the 700s a typical statement might be
"There is no world to save; it is all an illusion." This is not
comprehensible nor information that is useful to many. In the 800s, however, there seems to be a concern with explanation by effective communication. 2-255
700s -- [a true Messiah would calibrate at a very high
level, at levels over 700 and most likely in the high 800s or

700 or above -- There are 22 sages on the planet who
cal. at 700 or above. Of those there are 20 at 800 or more, of whom there are 10 at or over 900, and one sage is at 990.

Over 700 -- Nisargatta Maharaj [his consc. level over
700] 2-273

705 -- US Constitution: if the word "God" were removed
from the Constitution, its calibration level would drop from
705 (Truth) to 485 (intelligence and reason) 3-75

720 -- Chief Detroit (Great Spirit of Chief Detroit)
720 -- The Kabbalah [see quote at 985]
720 -- The Koran I-XXIII [but also 700 at 3-241]

730 -- The Zohar [see quote at 985]

740 -- The mantra Om, as opposed to A-u-m, which is
rated only at 65.
[He is quite strong that A-u-m is a serious
alteration. I assume he means "ahh-ooom" vs. "ooohmmm"] 3-378
740 -- New Testament calibrates at 740. However, if
Revelations is removed (it cal. at only 70) then the NT would cal. at 790. 2-62
740 -- [see at 475] [Bible at 475 would be at 740 if
the negative parts were excluded (Revelations and all the OT except Genesis, Psalms, proverbs)]
740 -- [Prophet Mohamed at time he wrote the Koran
(which is at 700);
he suddenly dropped to 130 at age 38 when he took up
the sword.] 3-241
740 -- "I" (as a total statement) / As the Ultimate
Reality; the Supreme 3-367

750 -- Manifestation. What appears to be change is the
emergence of potentiality out of essence into manifestation (cal.
level 750).
750 -- "I"/Self-divinity as Allness (Beatific, Vision)
[in list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on
750 -- Lamsa translation of New Testament from
Aramaic. 1-XXIII [see also quote at 810.]

770 -- [level of truth of Jewish practice at time of
Moses, and also of the Torah; see quote at 985.]

790 -- [New Testament if Book of Revelations is
excluded; see at 740]

800 -- Teacher of Enlightenment [in list of
Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]

800s -- What of the 800s? Much less is known. Whereas
in the 700s teachers primarily address individuals or groups, in
the 800s and 900s the concern is with the salvation of mankind as a whole. 2-254

810 -- Lamsa Bible. If the negative parts of the OT
and Revelations were removed the Lamsa Bible is 810 and the Lamsa NT is 880. Lamsa is 20 points higher than King James [because it is from Aramaic rather than Greek] 2-63

840 -- Self as Beyond Existence or Nonexistence [in
list of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on

850 -- God (Self) as Logos [in list of Enlightened and
Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]

850 -- [Hinduism] ...the truth of the current practice
still calibrates at 850. 1-XXIII

High 800s -- a true Messiah would calibrate at a very
high level, at levels over 700 and most likely in the high 800s or 900s. 3-15

880 -- [Lamsa New Testament, minus the negative parts,
see at 810]

890 -- Hinayana (lesser vehicle) and Zen Buddhism; see
quote at 900.

800s and 900s -- Whereas in the 700s teachers
primarily address individuals or groups, in the 800s and 900s the
concern is with the salvation of mankind as a whole. 2-254
800s and 900s -- The natural language in the 800s and
900s seems to be concerned with spiritual reality, essences,
understandings and clarifications. Form and its details are irrelevant except as a necessary style for communication. 2-255
800s and 900s -- Physical discomfort increases rather
markedly by the 800s or 900s. [with a discussion of nervous system effects] 3-149

900 -- [Buddhism] By the 6th century A.D., the level
of truth in practice had dropped to 900. These teachings have
deteriorated less than any other religion. Hinayana Buddhism (the lesser vehicle) still calibrates at 890; Mahayana Buddhism (the greater vehicle) calibrates at 960; Zen Buddhism is at 890. 1-XXIII

900s -- [At the time of the Council of Nicea]
Christianity, which had been in the 900s, dropped over 400 points due to the inclusion of the Old Testament with the New Testament as "the Bible" plus the inclusion
of the Book of Revelations (which is of astral origin)
2-54 900s -- [Messiah, see at high 800s]

930 -- By the second century, the level of truth of
the practice of [Jesus's] teachings had dropped to 930, and by the sixth century, to 540. By the time of the Crusades, at the beginning of the 11th century, it had fallen to its current 498. 1-XXIII

960 -- Mahayana Buddhism (greater vehicle); see quote
at 900.

965 -- The Buddha's Law of Dependent Origination or
Interdependent Co-Creation calibrates at 965. 3-256

985 -- Avatar [in list of Enlightened and Divine
States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]
985 -- The teachings of Abraham calibrated at 985; the
practice that was current at the time of Moses calibrated at
770--the level of truth of the Torah. Modern Judaism calibrates at 499. The Kabbalah is 720; the Zohar is 730. 1-XXIII

990 -- [see 700 or above] [there is one currently
living sage at that

999 -- The statement "There is no 'cause' of anything"
calibrates at 999. 3-256

1000 -- The energy field at 1000 is the maximum that
can be tolerated by the human body and nervous system, and it is the rare level of the great avatars of history. No human has ever existed who calibrated beyond 1000. 2-34
1000 -- Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Moses 2-56
1000 -- Mazda is included in list with Buddha,
Krishna, Brahman and Christ [no Moses] 2-273
1000 -- Buddhahood, Krishna/Christ Consciousness /
At-oneness with God Manifest and Unmanifest 3-367

1000+ -- Christ, Buddhahood, Krishna, Brahman [in list
of Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368] 1000+ -- "I" of Ultimate Reality [in list of
Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]

1100 -- "I" / As the Ultimate Reality beyond this
dimension transcending dimensions 3-367

1200 -- "I" / As Essence of Creation 3-367

1250 -- "I" of Essence of Divine Creation [in list of
Enlightened and Divine States, 3-151,152 and list on 3-367,368]

50,000+ -- Archangel

Infinity -- God Manifest as Divinity/Creator
Infinity -- The Supreme Godhead--God Unmanifest

this info; is compliments
of Dr.Hawkins


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