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Re: Random Q's by Andreas Moritz ..... Ask Andreas Moritz Forum

Date:   7/11/2005 8:30:47 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,154


1. Lying on the back while, or right side while holding up the knees. You can move from side to side in that position.
2. Cranial Sacral Therapy can be very effective for many conditions and I have seen many improvments, but most often they are not sustained unless other health-promoting changes are made along with it. I have no experience with Visceral Manipulation.
3. Yes, it is good to hold the water as long as it doesn't hurt. When you feel chills or cramping, release. By genetly massaging the abdomen during the colonic, a lot more waste can be released.
4. These are combined with the stainless steel, making it extremly hard, much harder and resistant than normally possible. In other words, normal stainless steel pots give off more metals than these pots. Make sure to avoid using anything but wodden or plastic spoons when handling food in these pots.
5. If you feel sick in the stomach or stools become sticky or float, you are eating too much fats/oils. Vata types can and need to eat the most fats among all body types, for they have only little capacity to store these. The Vata's hyper-matabolism can deal with fats with relative ease, unless of course the liver bile ducts are clogged up.
6. The things that you descibe are lymph edema of the cysterna chyli vessels (see illustration of lymphatic system in the Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush) that can feel like rocks or fists in the abdominal region, above, below or beside the belly button. These lynmph edema cause lymphatic distention and bloating. They are greatly aggrevated when ingesting certain foods, especially milk and cheese and other proteins.
7. I won't be back in Minnesota for quite some time, but I can check out irises if I get good photos of them.



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