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feeling extremely ill by jackierr ..... Ask Andreas Moritz Forum

Date:   1/3/2005 3:32:24 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,318

Thank you Andreas for your consultation last week. I followed your advice and did a colonic prior to my liver flush and got out a huge stone. It was the most sucessful flush possible. I also modified my raw foods diet to include vegan sources of protein (legumes and lentils) in a soup form. Unfortunately, nothing relieved the huge amount of fog in my brain. Not even sleeping from 10-6, which made me even more tired. I feel like my body is starting to feel better, but my brain isnt working. Could this have somehting to do with heavy metal poisoning. I am trying very hard to be optimistic and I know that God has intended me to be this ill for a reason, but I have released all of the emotions holding me back and am starting to feel like I am a lost cause. I had a spec scan of my brain showing abnormalities, so I know that I am not hallucinating. I have also developed bad eczema on my arms and pale flat pimples on my cheekbones. I feel like I am on drugs all of the time, to the point where I feel like I have overdosed and on the verge of death!!! I am also wondering if there may be some sort of infection in my head causing this. Every night I pray to God for some sort of sign so that I may begin to heal, and I recieve nothing. I am sort of dissapointed that God does not believe in the strength of my relationship with him enough to communicate bacck with me. I hope that I am not meant to die, as I feel like I am. I am only 20 and have so much that I wanted to do in this lifetime. Thank You

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