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Re: Parasites in head/throat?? Also Colonix; Need serious advice by boldyloxx ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   5/29/2006 10:07:59 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   12,560

Hi, your'e not paranoid, because sinus parasites do exist in humans. In fact, most of them are larvea stages that migrated from the intestinal tract.

Often, if your colon is blocked up (meaning you're not having 2-3 decent sized bowel movements a day) the larvea seek a way UPWARDS and end up in the sinus and ear area.

The sinuses are an ideal place for parasites because of the moist environment there. Some people have sinus cavities that are more smaller and condensed and this is often the case with them too. I guess the ideal facial structure is a full wide face with full cheekbones. Most people's bone structure isnt the ideal-- perhaps due to lack of proper mineral balance when growing.

I knew my sinus parasites weren't mere mucuos when I examined them closely and saw they stood out from the mucuous from thier red digestive tracts running throughout them. Basically, they were clear otherwise. Always mucous is involved when removing them from the nasal passages with a cotton swab, alot of mucous also is there with them.

At night and in the morning, clean out your sinuses with cotton swabs. Make sure to clean the nasal passages also. Even though this isnt dirictly related to your throat, it will control the parasite population.

If you notice your ears itching, put in a few drops of Tea Trea oil with some cotton, or Grapefruit seed oil ear drops. ear Parasites even hate the old fashioned Mullien/Lobelia oil ear drops.

Start gargeling with hydrogen peroxide (I used it straight, but you can mix it with a natural mouthwash or water)

No longer use any more alcohol commercial mouth washes -- start using natural alternative ones you can find in the healthfood stores or make yourself. Any alcohol must be food grade from now on.

Stop using commercial air freshners too- use alternative essential oil types alternatives instead (you can purchase these in healthfood stores or online)

I noticed a big improvement in my throat area when switching to natural toothpastes without any of the chemicals instead of the mainstream toothpaste brands that we all were brought up using. Burt's Bees has all natural toothpastes. I like thier Cinnamint flavor.

I also reccomend dabbing a cotton swab into the corners of your eyes to clean out any floaters or mucous there. some early stage parasite larvea lives in the eye socket. Alot of our eye floaters" are even caused by them.


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