Re: Ack! Parasites... by allergymeister ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 4/30/2004 10:25:08 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,514
Think of it this way. Would you rather feel something while you cleanse and let it gross you out? Or wait and do nothing and then in 5 years your health is terrible, you have chronic fatigue, and you feel them all the time? This is where I ended up at age 33. No doctor thought to test for them. By the time I figured it out I'd been to 10 doctors without one of them metioning parasites, even though I told most of them I'd been to the Philippines. Note I also tried OTC worm medicine and it didn't do much at all.
Take action now, they are stealing your bodies energy and food and taking your health piece by piece. Don't wait until your a mess like I was.
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