IT REALLY WORKS!!! by karens ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 3/27/2003 6:39:27 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 21,072
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Richard Anderson's programme really works; I've completed two cleansing programmes in the last few months - including a seven day fast and I got rid of so much mucoid's quite frightening when you see what's stored inside, stuck to our intestinal walls for so many years. The combination of the herbs, the Bentonite and psyllium has a powerful effect on getting rid of this foul 'gunk'. The unexpected benefit was the weight loss which I'm not complaining about and I recommend the programme to anyone concerned about their health and well being. It's not easy, you have to be dedicated but it's well worth it. I've never been so interested in my 'poo' until now............
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