Re: Numb feeling during enema by #161579 ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 3/16/2003 7:16:50 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 6,871
popateal cyst in legs after colon cleansing and exposure to masquito spray. after doing a colonics, i came home and as i was trying to get into the house to keep from breathing the spray for masquitoes that had just been sprayed-i came in and sat down and my whole right side and especially leg swelled up and started busting blood vessels. i could not walk for 2-3 months. after ultrasound
i had two large cyst the size of grapefruits. i really felt like it was toxic poisons where i had breathed the pesticides. i felt like my body was trying to detox and then i was hit with pesticides. The message numbb feeling during enema with the note about bakers cysts was encouraging to me. I have felt led to stay on the colonics with coffee enemas, but just felt too bad to do so.
i had a strong feeling to stay on the colonics and should have continued because the next year I breathes the chemicals again and my right ankle was swollen so bad I could not walk again. I plan on continueing the colonics with coffee until I completely detox.
I have had to take 5 years of steroids because of a broken neck and I know it has screwed up my system. When I finish a colonics, I do good for 3-4 days and sleep like a baby that night and feel great the next day or two. But I would like to thank the lady that wrote about the bakers cyst getting better. It has truely confirmed what I believed but could not explain to doctors because they think I am nuts when I speak about colonics. Thanks again.
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