Re: Colonix and liver flush herbs?! by #51162 ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 10/12/2005 12:22:57 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,580
I questioned the same thing to Julia Chang of I started colon cleansing Sept 9th using Dr Natura's products (Colonix, Parasil, tea, and Probotics). My 5 days off the Parasil and tea was last week, and I did an Epsom salt/olive oil Liver Flush with minimal results (and I am never doing Epsom Salts again because I feel too sick since). After reading up on it, I realized I needed something more to help my unhealthy liver. I was on pain meds for years for my broken back and ate real crappy foods most of my life, so I know my liver is congested and I can put money down that I got stones. For the past few days since i started taking the Parasil and tea again, I feel so sick and have been expelling a lot of MP and things I have never seen before (I can only assume parasites). Feels good to get rid of the stuff, but I still wish I had my energy back and this dull pain on my left side (which was never there before the liver flush) is beginning to annoy me. I decided to order Chinese bitters, GCG, Coptis, and Curcuma in hopes that this will loosen up and help my liver flushing.
So, I called up Julia and she advised me you can take her herbs while on Colonix. She said you have to take the Chinese bitters or GCG on an empty stomach. So being we take the Colonix in the AM, we can take the bitters/GCG 1-3 hours after breakfast (depending on the amount you ate) after your stomach has emptied, before your lunch.
Hope that helps.
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