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Re: Colonix vs. Blessed herbs, any opinions? by mlstock ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   9/19/2005 8:34:52 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,757

I have used both programs, as well as the B&P Shakes. I did not have any results what so ever with the B&P Shakes and I took them while doing a Master Clease for 45 days.

I did not have very good results with the Blessed Herbs, but it was certainly better than the B&P Shakes! However, I am currently doing the Colonix Program and honestly can not say enough positives things about it. I am starting the beginnin of my 4th week and I passing more and more junk every day.

For me it was not only easier than the Blessed Herbs, but the flavor is 100 times better. With the Blessed Herbs, it burned my throat when taking it.

Hope that helps you.


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