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Re: Feeling horrible please help by marnie ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   2/3/2005 11:48:17 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,260

Sounds like detox symptoms - which means that the cleanse is doing what it is supposed to be doing! To help with the nausea, peppermint helps (I've used Altoids and they work pretty well). Ginger also helps - try drinking ginger tea with a little bit of honey. A lot of people on these forums would encourage you to do an enema ASAP to relieve the symptoms immediately. Although I can see the reasoning in this, I have never personally done an enema, so at this point I'm just giving others' suggestions. I can totally sympathize with you on your symptoms - I've had a headache off and on for a month now - and not just a regular headache, but throbbing pain with sometimes impaired vision. One thing that I've found helpful is stay off the computer (or limit your time on it), don't read, don't even watch tv. Use a cold compress on your forehead or on your eyes for as long as you can and get plenty of sleep.

Hope this helps,

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