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Re: Ozone Therapy by Saul Pressman by Tim ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum

Date:   4/13/2003 7:30:08 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   14,563

Lady Bloom,

I don't think it was Saul himself that posted the message... This article is available all over the internet. In fact, I previously posted a link to it myself!

Ozone therapy is indeed a very powerful treatment, along the same lines as peroxide (in fact, ozone turns into peroxide when it comes into contact with water or blood!) However, I'm currently very angry at Saul because he constantly says completely unfounded negative things about peroxide, while at the same time promoting ozone steam cabinets (which he sells himself for several thousand dollars.) He moderates a forum at and sells his ozone products at:

It appears that he filters out the posts on the list, because every time I try to post info about peroxide, it doesn't appear in the messages list! In fact the forum actually says: "All messages require approval"!!! Don't get me wrong, an ozone steam cabinet would likely be very beneficial (I'd like one myself!), but I'm just mad at Saul for not allowing me to post anything positive about peroxide (while he posts lots of negative stuff!) His forum is a very good source of info about ozone therapy however.

I feel that ozone is a very beneficial therapy, but I remain unconvinced that it's necessarily any better than cheap peroxide. They work in exactly the same way - in fact, ozone turns into peroxide in water, or in the bloodstream! Of course, there are many more doctors that use ozone, and more scientific studies on ozone than on peroxide, but this is probably just because there is more money to be made from ozone. Medical ozone generators cost thousands, and the doctors charge thousands for this treatment, while peroxide therapy costs pennies... Therefore, ozone therapy gets a lot more promotion by alternative doctors and more money put towards researching it. Of course, even MORE money is made by pharmaceutical companies, and these guys appear to be supressing info about BOTH peroxide AND ozone therapy!


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