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The Out Breath Has Started by alisaun ..... Consciousness & Awareness #1[Arc]

Date:   11/5/2003 4:25:33 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   2,327

Lightworker proudly presents:
The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
October 15 2003

~ The Out Breath Has Started

From Steve:

Last month the Group began speaking about the portals opening on our Earth and what that means to us. They said to watch for electrical storms which, at the time of this writing, have already spread across most of the areas of the globe. They spoke of the electrical adjustments needed to bring in the portal energy and that this was the reason for the major blackouts we have experienced. They specifically said to watch for two more major power blackouts, which have already occurred, as a huge power surge took out major parts of Denmark & Sweden only a week after the channel was published; then, last week, there was another major power outage in Italy.

I do believe these were the two major blackouts of which the Group spoke; still, they say we are in a time of further adjustment to our electrical equipment as it adjusts to the changing magnetics of the portal energy now on Earth. Now we can look forward to further adjustments to our computers and other more sensitive equipment. In most cases this will not mean that these items will need to be replaced; they will just need adjustment. We are going through a similar rewiring process in our own physical beings. Here, they say, these changes can be very challenging; yet there is one thing we can do to best ease this transition: connect with original spiritual family.

Special Request
Copyright 2003. Steve Rother. This information may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided there is no charge for the information and this notice is attached. When using a partial version of this material, please state that it is an abridged version and refer the reader to the original, complete version at Publications are encouraged to reprint articles, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified at:
Further information from the Group may be found at: or through Lightworker at (858) 748 5837.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!


Greetings from Home

Lightworkers of Earth, gather and unite as spiritual family, as the next stage of evolution is upon you. You have earned the right to call yourselves “workers of the Light,” and we proudly dub you “Lightworkers of Earth.”

Discernment: the First Tool

You are seeing major changes in the energy field in which you play the Game at this time. We will now speak more of what is ahead and why, for we are here to help each of you re-member your true empowerment. As always, we remind you that your first expression of power is in your own choices. Choosing the thoughts and concepts that you allow to reside in your own head and heart is the first and foremost choice that you will make.

In the near future, you will see major changes on the Earth as these portals now open. You will soon see beings among you that you will admire greatly. Many will enter your reality quietly, offering help with your evolutionary steps. These will be the quiet masters, who will be the greatest addition to your world.

Although most of these newcomers will stay in the shadows, it is the game of Free Choice, and that applies to all who play. It will be most likely that some of those who will now enter through the opening portals will attempt to take your power from you in very discreet ways. Some will come who claim to have all the answers. It will be very easy for you to look at their advanced levels and freely give your power to them. Your natural love of drama can easily draw you into wanting something to be true so much that you actually create it. It is here that you are most likely to quietly give your power away.

This is the next major event of humanity that you have been in preparation for. It is the reason you have stepped into the “Age of E” (Empowerment). We ask you to please get comfortable with feeling the energy within and choosing only those thoughts and feelings that resonate within your heart. Even as you hear or read our message, please take only those thoughts that add to your being and resonate within your own heart. Leave the rest, without judgment, and you will quickly master the art of discernment.

Dynamics of a Vortex

You have become accustomed to the attributes of vortexes in your world. A vortex is simply energy moving in a circular motion. Many of you have been called to specific places to be guardians of the vortex. We have even given a special message to the guardians of the vortexes to let you know that these special contracts with the mother herself may be the reason you have been irresistibly drawn to live in a certain area. Vortexes are anchored to Earth only through the intervention of pure love. The guardians of each vortex have been entrusted with the care and feeding of each individual vortex. Some of you have felt so in love with the areas in which you reside as a direct result of these contracts.

Once the vortex is sufficiently anchored and the collective vibration of Earth reaches a level high enough to sustain the energy, the evolution begins. The natural evolutionary cycle of a vortex is to become a door through time and space, called a portal. Your new relationship to time and space has made it possible for you to observe and interact in this evolution. Portals have existed on Earth from the beginning. In fact, it was the early portals that spawned life on your planet. Some of these portals have magically drawn people to them as the high energy locations on Earth. Yet, now these portals are growing in size and number, and even some of the portals that have been in place for some time are changing.

Dynamics of a Portal

Portals are essentially a hole through time and space. The easiest way to identify a portal is through its effect on what would normally be a stationary object of time or space. Falling through a time hole will become common, as people will now accidentally fall through portals. It is here that one may find themselves driving down a road they have traveled many times, only to find themselves 40 km further down the road than they thought they were. This phenomenon has already begun to be commonplace among those leading the way vibrationaly. It has begun.

Another way in which you will learn to discern portals is through your advanced sense of smell. Your nose has been rapidly changing to accommodate higher evolution, and in most cases it will be able to discern portals through an odor. Previously, these same phenomena were experienced when spirits who had transitioned Home entered your world to visit the living. They would open their own portal, and you would often smell a familiar scent when the spirit was near you. Pay attention to your nose; it will lead you well.

Portal Attributes

These portals actually connect all dimensions together. When the collective vibration of humanity is high enough to support it, these portals will be used to travel into other dimensions of time and space. In the meantime, they will be used by visitors, who will travel to watch the Grand Show as the first Planet of Free Choice moves into ascension status. Planets have previously graduated into this higher realm, but never before has it happened without major guidance from a hierarchy of overseers orchestrating the moves. The Grand Game of Free Choice has no such infrastructure, as your overseers (we, the Group) from the angelic realm never violate the prime directive of free choice. Now, the greatest potential of God becoming self-aware is underway on Earth, to the total surprise of many of those in the hierarchy, as well as observers.

Portals Move

Your familiarity with vortexes would have you believe that they are stationary, yet we tell you that once a vortex evolves into a portal, it is no longer bound to be stationary. Even many of the vortexes that have created the high-energy spots on your planet are now beginning to turn into portals and move. Much the way that magnetic poles of your planet can shift as much as 80 km per day and permanently drift an average of 40 km per year, so can the energy form known as “portals.” This movement may create confusion for some of the migrating animals as the portals interact with the magnetic field from which they gain their sense of direction. The confusion of some of the whales in recent years is due largely to the increase of vortexes and portals on Earth.

At this time more portals will open on a steady basis and you will become accustomed to the new attributes of living in the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth. Much the way that the Crystal Energy can create an environment for humans to live in higher energy and reach ascension status, the portals will work with the Earth to help her reach the same higher status. You must move together or no one moves at all.

The Out Breath has Begun

Recently we spoke of “the Breath of God,” where we explained that the universe expands until it reaches a point where it speeds up and enters another dimension. Here it continues the same motion, yet is now collapsing upon itself. When it reaches the center, or zero point, it again continues the same motion and once again begins expanding. This is called “the Breath of God” and is the natural motion of the universe. What we tell you now is that the Out Breath has begun. As this Out Breath gains momentum, more and more portals will open. Believe us when we say you are just at the very beginning of this energy shift and things will get very interesting soon.

As the portals continue to increase in number and size, eventually they will reach a critical mass and envelop the earth. At that point, the earth itself will be a portal through all dimensional realities. That is the conclusion of the energetic shift now underway. That is the point at which you will become the angels to those brave souls who agree to put on the veil and play the game on the second Planet of Free Choice. Can you see why there is so much excitement in the universe about what you are now doing? It has begun.

Activation Teams

The portal activations are now growing. This is a time for each of you to open portals when you hear the call. This can easily be done through ceremony and intent. Earth does hear when you talk to her, and she is waiting for your actions now. Many of you will find clear direction to open portals with ceremony and even form sacred teams that will travel to accomplish this exact task. Please follow your heart here, dear ones, for many of you came in with the highest hope of doing this work. Know that you are honored beyond your understanding.


The dear people who have been holding the energy of the portals will now find that many of their roles are changing. Some that were drawn to areas to live may now find themselves returning to where they began as their relationship to the land and the vortexes they guarded changes. These are also the people who will most feel the energy shift within their own physical being.

On the other hand, many people may suddenly find themselves being drawn to new areas, as there is work to do within each opening portal. Some portals will attract many, yet others will only need a few. Some entire cities will drastically change energy due to those suddenly feeling drawn to move there. This is a way in which the earth herself can draw together original spiritual family. Many people from an area may also be drawn to new areas very suddenly. It may seem like an exodus from one location to another. It has begun.

Finding Original Spiritual Family

Above all, there is one simple action that can help each of you find your balance more than any other: reuniting with your original spiritual family. When you first came in, to play the game in your first incarnation, you came with family and those you trusted implicitly. Time and again you incarnated with these souls, and they became your family and soul group. Over periods of time and many incarnations, you completed karma with your soul group and drifted into other groups, forming new soul groups. Now that Earth is reaching ascension status, it is most helpful to reunite with your original spiritual family. You will find them whenever you place yourself around others of like mind. These are the special people that you recognize the moment you connect with them. Find them, connect with them, and let them into your heart, and your adjustments will be much easier. Help them, and allow them to help you.

Electrical Rewiring

As these portals begin to open, many things will acclimate. You have seen major adjustments to your electrical power equipment, and now you will see further adjustments to many levels of electrical equipment, including further power outages. Much the way that crystal children must adjust to electricity, we must also adjust to the new Crystal Energy. The portals create an opportunity for the Crystal Energy to enter our world completely. The Crystal Energy now shifts the base magnetic structure in which you live. This has been seen as the magnetic grid blending with the crystalline grids of Earth.

These are unique times indeed, dear ones. You have set into motion events that have never before played out in “All That Is”. We ask you to reach out to each other, find your original spiritual family, and gain your own balance first. Then, when you are feeling centered, reach out to touch others who will be searching for answers as they experience this change. You are the workers of the Light, and we are proud to call you “the Lightworkers of Earth.” It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another, and play well together.

The Group


Barbara and I recently returned from the ESPAVO Conference in Mt. Shasta, California. At this week-long event, we presented three live channels. The first was at a magical place called Glass Mountain. This mountain of natural obsidian (volcanic glass) is a true fifth-dimensional space. We had to be very careful where we sat and what we touched, as the obsidian was sharp as razors. Additionally, we also had to be very careful what we held in our minds during that time, for those thoughts surely would create in an instant in that fifth-dimensional space. Here the Group actually took us on a visual journey into a portal inside the mountain itself, to let us know what it looked like from there. They made several key points about portals to help us understand the phenomenon now happening on Earth in many places at once. This was the first time the Group told us that portals move and change places. We experienced a beautiful day as all of us bonded very close, almost as if we all had just emerged from inside that mountain.

The third channel was presented on the last day of the conference and will be a cornerstone channel for future information from the Group. They told us what to look for as these changes now unfold in this magical time. This channel is titled “The Age of E.” In this message, they told us to watch for several key indicators including changes in economics, alien contact, and other events that will now begin as these portals open and we make use of them. The Age of E (Empowerment) is now upon us. Now it is up to us.

Both of these channels were recorded and are now available on video tape and audio tape in the Lightworker Store.

The second channel was given on Mt Shasta, where we found a special valley to gather. Everyone took a seat on a rock as the Group led us through an opportunity for each person to share their wisdom. Even though we took all of the recording equipment, the Group said it would not record. They were right; the camera shut down shortly after the channel began.

At the end of the channel, they told us to be sure to leave the valley by going around one side of the main rock. They told us we had been inside a portal the entire time we were experiencing the channel and that the portal had moved even during the channel. I have to say that it really didn’t feel like being in a time portal. It felt normal to me. But out of the 50 people who were there, about four did not listen and wandered out of the valley without going around the big rock as instructed by the Group.

A few minutes later, we found ourselves back in the parking lot, and I became aware that while we had been down there, about 20 to 30 people had entered that same parking lot. We had been totally undisturbed while we were there and didn’t see a single hiker on the many trails in that valley. Yet the moment we started out of that valley, several people came over the hill into the valley as if on cue. We also found that the four people who came out on the wrong side of the rock actually got lost in a relatively small parking lot and could not find their cars. Once another person touched them, they got their bearings and found their way. Since they had not exited the portal correctly, they had become confused as to what dimension they were in.

The next day we found that very few of our people were aware of all the new people who had shown up while we were in the valley. Also, on the last day, two guests came to the channel who had not been with us prior. They told us that they had been on the mountain that morning and had watched us from a higher elevation where they had a great view of the entire valley. They said that while sitting in their folding chairs with binoculars, they had seen us enter the valley and promptly disappear from view. More to come.

Big HUGS and gentle nudges

"the Keeper"

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Copyright 2003 Steve Rother. This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no charge for the information and provided that this notice is attached. If this material is shortened in length, please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the reader to the full original version at Further information from Steve Rother and the Group may be found at the web site: or through Lightworker at (858) 748 5837.


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