Re: WHAT WENT WRONG? OIL/LEMON CLEANSE by anita ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 3/27/2003 5:13:54 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 2,331
oh Andrew..i so understand how you felt i too did the long drawn out version of the Liver Flush some time ago...a dose of olive oil and a dose of grapefruit the last dose I tried so hard to keep it down but up it all came everywhere..I was sick all day...and thought i will never try that when i finished the 40 day M.C. was getting closer to the live flush i really had nightmares....But to my very pleasant surprise...doing the Clarke version I not only did not get sick at all the olive oil and grapefruit went down so easy and it acually tasted yummy but I also slept right through until the early hours of the next morning...I took 4 ornithine pills as well..and now I am looking forward to the next one..So take heart if one way doesn't work for you there are other ways of getting the results you are looking for...good luck...Anita
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