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Should I be worried?? by Jill ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   3/23/2003 2:58:36 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,832

Hi all. I have been cleansing using a combination of products. Have been using golden flax fiber and a teaspoon of triphala cleanse, which contains psyllium (sp?!) I also have used some Bentonite clay a couple of times, but it's really hard on me and backs me up.

Ok. this is what I'm worried about--Today I passed two long, thick pieces of this gelatinous, rubbery substance about 3 inches long, flat and maybe 1/8 wide--it's a light brown to dark golden color and ugh..I'm wondering if these were pieces of my colon lining! I mean they're quite rubbery and collagen like. Any clues??? Sorry to be so gross but I'm concerned. Thanks. Jill

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