Hello again: Quick, (fascinating to me) QUESTION! by nonsense79 ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 3/21/2003 12:32:50 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 1,078
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=438924
If you read my post a couple days ago, or whenever it was, you would know that I was having troubles with constipation.
I discovered something unique, and possibly something that could be a clue to understanding my constipation problems, if I may have your attention, just briefly.
Like in my last post "At the end of my rope...." I mentioned that the only thing that comes out is a small 'two finger' sized stool, no matter what the occasion. Well, not this morning! And, I'm guessing here is why:
Last night I did something I have never done, I took some Swiss Kriss Senna leaves (reluctantly) while doing my supreme cleanse formula. My formula is very similar to shulzes, and I figured if I just added the swiss kriss herbal laxative after my meal - it might be the ticket.
Well, I woke up not too long ago, and had to go sit on the toilet - somewhat excited to poo, but not too excited because in my mind I knew what the results were to be. When I turned around and saw the enormous soft brown log in the shape of an Obtuse letter "L", I was extremely excited. I quickly tried to calm myself and think of things rationally. "What caused this?" I remembered. "Must be the senna leaves in the herbal laxative."
Now here is my question.
Would the Senna promote peristalsis in such a manner that it would widen the canal or spasmic/strictured area to allow the feces to be passed through? Does it eliminate inflammation temporarily? Did it suddenly heal my colon? This is fascinating to me.
I thank you in advance to your advice, help.
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