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best way to get mucoid plaque out? by janaki ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   3/17/2003 3:15:59 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   2,164

hi everyone!

I have been bowel cleansing for about 7 weeks now through a complete change in diet and eating patterns as well
as frequent enemas (first week daily, and then every 2nd day, 3rd day, etc., now twice a month). My health has
improved I'd say about 85% which is fabulous! My Acne is gone, I'm much calmer, my menstrual problems
are gone etc. etc. I am also planning to undertake a liver cleanse in the next few weeks.

However from all I've read I've become a little obsessed with the idea that I have mucoid plaque. During my cleanse
I've passed a lot of whitish jelly bean sort of things as well as what look like cotton balls with fibres attached.
I'm sure that I do have some mucoid plaque but my cleanse has not removed any, and I'd sure like it out of me!

My questions are:
-how do I know if I've cleansed by bowel sufficiently?
-what is THE BEST WAY to get the mucoid plaque out?

Perhaps any of you with experience with this could give me some advice.

Thanks so much everyone for posting to this site. It's tremendously helpful.

Today, finally, it's spring-time in Toronto! Woo hoo.


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