In response to the stats in Lillians, Washington D.C. post by stofurz ..... Politics Debate Forum # 2 [Arc]
Date: 3/20/2003 8:22:43 AM ( 22 y ago)
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If seventy percent of the world's population are non-Christians, then that means (come on math skills) that 30 percent of the world's population are Christians. Christianity is growing faster than any other 'religion' including Islam. Millions are showing up in massive outdoor meetings all over the world. In Nigeria, 9 million people gave their lives to Jesus last year in Reinhart Bonnke's large crusades. In the largest outdoor gathering, there were 1.6 million people and 1,080,000 made Jesus their Lord and Saviour. This year, they expect 20 million people to give their lives to Jesus and become Christians.
In order to accomodate such large outdoor gatherings, they have to clear and develope the land. In meetings of up to one million people they use a dual tower speaker system that broadcasts sound over and area equivalent to 96 football fields. With crowds over a million people they have to broadcast by radio to tower speakers throughout the crowd.
In India it is the same, many mass conversions from Hindu and other religions to Christianity.
This is going on all over the world. Jesus said that this would be given as a sign before the end, before his return.
Speaking of Politics, it says in Isaiah that Jesus will one day have the government on his shoulders. Jesus is coming back to rule from Jerusalem and the sign of his return is here.
The sign given by Jesus besides wars and rumours of wars, famines and diseases, and earthquakes, was that the gospel would be preached in all the world and then the end would come. Never before in history have we had such wars and rumours of wars, famines and diseases, earthquakes, and never before has the gospel been peached throughout the world with such mass conversions.
The NON- Christian population is about to go on a serious decline.
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