Re: Have you ever made a mistake when speaking? by Ev ..... Politics Debate Forum # 2 [Arc]
Date: 3/18/2003 8:54:13 PM ( 22 y ago)
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Never once did I ever say I trust the Government of USA or Canada, any Government for that matter.
I believe President Bush is a Christian. In my eyes that gives him more accountability then most former presidents of USA. I don't agree with everything his government is doing,just most of it. Nor do I believe that because George Bush is a Christian,that he is perfect. No human can be perfect. No government can be perfect. I do not deny that the USA history (of government) has some terrible accounts. It is history, can a person not hope for change or something better for the present day or future?
Any person would be happy, if the Government was funding/implementing programs that incorporated his/her beliefs. Should I really be condemned for that? It is not being forced on anyone, people that are not Christian still have a choice whether or not they want to participate. If their are times, for example that you are thrust into a Christian act, (such as a 30 second prayer or mention of God) You still have the right to hum, plug your ears, go for a walk, say your own "mantra" etc. God is apart of America, the constitution, and the priciples that America was "founded" on. If America was founded on any other beliefs, I would still have the same opinion.
Just because I believe my faith is truth, does not mean I want it forced upon people that do not share the same beliefs...I don't agree with that "method". We (people) should have a right to choose what faith our life revolves. I also don't believe that Christianity is being forced on anyone in the USA.
I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder.
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