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1890 Emil vin Behring announces discovery of anti-toxins by Burnt Ice ..... Toxins Discussion Forum

Date:   11/30/2004 2:43:34 AM ( 20 y ago)
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1850 British physician reads a paper detailing microscopic examination of food products to the Botanical Society of London. The paper revealed that all food products examined in Britain were adulterated with foreign substances, including chemicals. Hearings periodically held for decades.

1890 Emil vin Behring announces discovery of anti-toxins.

1929 Dr. Wileys book The History of a Crime Against the Food Law published, detailing the subversion of the food purity laws and government corruption; all the books produced are mysteriously bought up, and no copies can be found. Wiley's Bureau of Chemisty is dismantled and replaced by the Food Drug and Insecticide Administration, precursor of the FDA. All lists of "dubious compounds in food" were declared "Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)".

1940 British researchers at ICI discover substances for use in anti-crop warfare, which were subsequently tested in fields in England.

1944 Britain turns over anti-crop toxin research to United States. The US would have mass production capability by 1945.

1944 Norman Borlaug sent to Mexico by Rockefellers to develop new grain types.

1945 Postwar nitrate supplies designated to be added to food chain as fertilizer.

1951 Krilium developed from acrylonitrile for use in fertilization.

1955 Molecular structure of insulin determined.

1956 Annual production of DDT 500 million pounds.

1960 Synthetic chlorophyll achieved.

1961 According to the Report From Iron Mountain, "poisoning of the air, and of the principle sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect. It will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution will be sufficiently menacing to offer a possible basis for a solution." (1991).

1967 Synthetic DNA produced at Stanford University.

1968 Crimes of violence increase 57% since 1960.

1969 US Department of Defense sought funds from Congress to create a"synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired" Funds granted in 1970 Appropriations.

1969 "The Green Revolution", a ploy of the international bankers to make the Third World reliant on agrichemicals and hybridized seed (will not itself produce seed), and to export Third World plant varieties to patented seed banks, begins.

1970 First synthesis of gene announced at University of Wisconsin.

1970 Multinational companies begin the process of acquiring 1000 seed and plant breeding companies. In the 1980's they would spend $10 billion on company acquisitions.

1971 A mysterious blue mold appears and threatens the tobacco crop in Cuba.

1971 A damaging rust disease appears in Cuba and threatens to destroy the crops of Sugar cane.

1972 New York State Department of Agriculture determines that 30% of organic food is contaminated with pesticides, as compared with 25% in regular foods. Journal of the American Medical Association v230, Oct 14,1974, "The Organic Food Myth"

1977 British announce they have determined complete genetic structure of a living organism.

1977 The US Army admits that it had carried out hundreds of biological warfare tests in the United States over a period of decades since World War II, including 25 major operations targeting the American public employing known disease-causing agents. Crop disease substances were used 31 times.

1985 Mutinational companies spend $10 billion acquiring seed and plant breeding companies. Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in England is now one of the worlds largest seed suppliers. From 1985 to 1990, ICI swalled up 11 large seed companies.

1985 British Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) begins buying US seed companies.

1994 The government of Australia spends A$120 million funding biotechnology, A$30 million of which goes to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), which has researched transgenetics and seed genetics since the early 1970's. Australia was the first country to use recombinent DNA biopesticides. NOTE: A dangerous development in transgenic research is the development of plant species resistent to toxic chemical pesticides - permitting the poisoning of the people, but maintaining the profit incentive to produce food. At the moment, $6 billion is spent in the United States to achieve this objective. Perhaps worse is the transgenic research going on with animals, who are having human genes spliced into their DNA. (Proto-Atlantean research tendencies?).


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