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Have a laugh on Scott Adams by babsbiltmore ..... Off-Topic Forum

Date:   8/22/2006 4:08:57 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,680

My Computer is Rotting
Does your computer freeze up just because it was sitting there unused for a few hours? Every computer I’ve owned has acquired that habit after about two years. I’ve owned about 15 computers in my life, including work and home, so I’m fairly sure it’s not because I’m doing the same thing wrong every time.

I can understand the computer locking up when I have seven applications going. But what the hell is it doing all by itself when I’m in an entirely different room?

Before you ask, yes I regularly sweep it for viruses and spyware, and everything is up to date.

Then it hit me: The only reason I ever upgrade to a new computer is because of these unexplained crashes. I don’t think I’ve ever upgraded just because I wanted something faster or needed some new feature. It all seems suspiciously. . .

Light bulbish.

I don’t know if it’s true, but the common belief is that light bulbs would last forever if companies designed them to do so. Likewise, my computers all become crash dummies after 2-3 years no matter what I do.

Are computers designed to disintegrate so you’ll buy a new one?

In order to accept that explanation, I have to compare it to the only alternatives I can think of:

1. The best minds in the world can’t figure out how to make a computer that stays functional when it is unused.
2. For the past 15 years, every time I go to bed, someone sneaks in the house and uses my computer until it freezes.
3. My computer is a sentient being that sometimes naps.

Am I missing any explanations?

[Update: I should have mentioned that half of my computers were Macs. I just threw away my last one a few months ago because it crashed three times an hour.]


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