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Re: Order ThreeLac in Canada - HERE!!! by 3lac ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   8/10/2003 1:22:06 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   21,985

The unfortunate problem with forums are individuals like yourself that claim to know everything, but in reality know very little, and in the end confuse individuals that are seeking information and help.

I debated posting a reply to your uneducated comments, but in the end realized that if I didn’t, then other readers wouldn’t know the whole truth.

So, let’s break down your comments for the rest of the readers, shall we….

You wrote …” I'm highly skeptical of 'companies (blah blah blah)”. Well, jjontheweb (if that’s your name), I’m not surprised that you’re skeptical. From your entire post, you sound like you haven’t done your research, making vague statements that only confuse fellow readers, instead of adding valuable information, the REAL purpose of this forum. So, did you actually do any research before you decided to do your post? Well, you don’t have to answer that because I’ll prove here that you didn’t.

But….before I do, let’s continue. You went on to write “This web page this guys promoting doesn't give off the energy of honesty.” Energy of honesty???? Hum, new phrase, what the heck is that? Let’s explore further, you continue to state “He inflates the Canadian exchange rate to make it seem like you're getting a deal. You're not. You can get it way cheaper in CND$ on ebay.” WAY cheaper eh? Where?? Do YOU sell the product? Do YOU buy the product, or have you ever even tried it? Typical of individuals like yourself that like slamming others, you make statements but don’t back them up. I'll prove later in this post that you're wrong.

And, you just couldn’t stop there. You had to make the most ******** comment of all. If you knew anything, you’d know that Candida CAN’T be “CURED”. You can never eliminate all of the candida albicans in your body. That’s why the product is called “Candida Defense”.

Then you write….”But there are other products I'm sure that can help. “ WOW…that’s specific AND enlightening. The readership is so glad that you’ve shared your in-depth thoughts on this subject. Thank you so much jj. I feel healthier already. You’re Incredible!

And finally…you write…”I'd like to know if this advertiser actually had Candida and if threeLac actually did anything. but again I doubt when money's up for grabs that you'll get the truth.” Well…that comment is over the top and violates the flaming rules for this forum. Do you know the definition of slander? I would suggest that you look it up before you get into trouble. Not that my personal health is any of your business. However, although you didn’t have the courage to ask me via email, I’ll answer for others. YES, I suffered from Candida, and unlike you, I DO know what I’m talking about!!! I’ve gone on several Candida Diets, and have tried many claimed miracle treatments, that helped little and aggravated more. I now take the ThreeLac product and it works for me. There are many others that I speak with daily, and it has worked for them too. Will it work for everyone. Well, can you name one product that will? NO! ThreeLac doesn’t claim to be a miracle drug. In fact, when you purchase it from GHT directly, they provide a 60 day money back guarantee. If you did your homework at all, you would have found a full list of testimonials about ThreeLac at

But, I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought it was all a conspiracy.

You claim it is an over-inflated product. I’m just curious if you suffer from Candida, and what price tag do you put on the restoration of your own health?

It is a real shame when individuals like you try to intimidate others with comments that have no merit, yet feel you have the right to make slanderous comments about a legitimate product and business.

Alright…I’ve proven that you don’t know what your talking about, now I’m going to address a very specific comment, where you state you can get it WAY cheaper on eBay. Really?

Well, I’ve done the research and detailed calculations. So, here are the REAL FACTS.

(BTW...this is for the readers, not you)

The ThreeLac product can be purchased in a number of ways:

a) Purchase it directly from a GHT distributor
b) Become a member of GHT, and purchase it yourself at wholesale
c) Purchase it from other internet sources, such as my website, eBay, or others

So, let’s address the cost of ThreeLac. I’ll be using the official US to CDN conversion rate of 1.3935 as of 8/8/03. All Canadians know that this is historically lower than the average 1.54 rate, but I’ll give jjontheweb the benefit of ignorance and use the current historically low and very competitive rate in all examples below….just to be fair.

a) Purchase it from a GHT distributor at retail prices. It sells for $69.95 US. That’s $97.48. It costs $8.80 US to ship to Canada, plus the GST, so the bottom line is $116.56 CDN. ($128.10 when the rate is 1.54). That is shipped direct from GHT, and it usually takes 2 weeks, but I’ve seen it take much longer.

b) Purchase it as a member. Membership is $19.95 US annually ($27.80 CDN) and allows one to purchase all products at approx. 29% to 36% off retail prices. As a member, ThreeLac costs $49.95 US. That is why you see it listed at this price on eBay. It is STILL shipped from the US, and all other charges stay the same. So it costs $86.74 CND as a member, per can, but your first container will cost you $114.54 CND when you add the cost of membership. You’ll quickly recoup your money on later purchases, but to be fair I had to mention that.

c) Or…you can purchase it from other internet sources. Let’s look at eBay. It sells for $49.95 US. That’s $69.61 CDN. It costs $8.80 US to ship. That’s $12.26 CDN. GST on $69.61 is $4.87 CDN. So, base price alone, you are looking at $86.74 CDN….the same price as a GHT member. Ummm, interesting. OK…here’s the twist. How is it going to get past customs. Well, if the person / company you purchase it from on eBay sends it USPS (United States Postal Service), it will cost a minimum of $5.00 CDN to bring it into Canada via Canada Post. So, now the cost is up to $91.74 CDN. But it will also take well over 2 weeks to deliver it to your house. As well, via USPS, the item is NOT traceable, and there are many companies in the US that refuse to use USPS. Just ask. UPS is the most common courier in the US because the rates in the US are CHEAP. More likely than not, unless you demand otherwise, UPS will be chosen as the courier for shipments to Canada. I’m sure many readers have experienced the bite UPS charges for very high brokerage fees. Well, if you ever wanted to know, here is the breakdown. The UPS brokerage fee consists of the brokerage rate, a 2.5% rate charge if brokerage is not paid in advance, with a minimum of $4.50 charge, and a $4.00 charge for COD, to collect the brokerage fees from you. The UPS brokerage table (abbreviated for this example), is as follows, and is used on the converted CDN price of the product being imported into Canada.

$0 - $40.00 = $6.25
$40.01 - $100.00 = $16.75
$100.01 - $200.00 = $23.25

So, for the ThreeLac at $49.95 US, the product will be charged $16.75 brokerage fee, plus $4.00 collection, plus 2.5% (minumum of $4.50). So, to bring ThreeLac into Canada with UPS costs $25.25 in brokerage fees. Add that to the base price of $91.74 above and you get $116.99 CDN.

So, here is a summary of the ThreeLac price breakdown, in CDN dollars

a) $116.56 from a GHT distributor

b) $86.74 as a member, but your first can will cost you $114.54 with the membership.

c) From eBay, lowest price $91.74 if shipped via USPS, but the wait will be very long, and the shipment is not traceable. Did they actually ship it?. If shipped via UPS, it will cost a minimum of $116.99 CDN.

d) But….if you purchase it from my website, it is a flat $99.00 CDN, shipping is included and you will get it usually within 2-3 business days. If I don’t have it in stock when you order, I will ship it out EXPRESS at my additional cost to ensure that you get the product ASAP. In addition, when you order it from me, I occasionally include free ¼ oz samples of the Oxygen Elements Plus product, FOR FREE. Finally, if you sign up as a member on my website, I send you a FREE 1 oz bottle of Oxygen Elements Plus. This is a $44.76 CDN value, at wholesale, or $59.31 retail after all taxes, shipping, etc. Plus, as a member, you will get the product cheaper than $99.00 on future orders.

So, there are the REAL FACTS. You can get the product FAST and IN CANADA from the website,

for a FLAT RATE of $99.00 CDN. There are no hidden fees, and you don’t have to put up with long waiting periods, fluctuating US-CDN conversion rates, or insane brokerage fees. For Canadians, this is the BEST deal on the internet!

Or….if you want to take chances, you can purchase it from eBay and possibly get it cheaper, but not likely. IF they ship if via USPS, you will most likely experience long delays. However, if the person / company sends it via UPS or any other courier, you may end up paying $116.99 / can (~ 18% more). Possibly higher.

If anyone would genuinely like to learn more about this offer, please feel free to contact me at my website


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