Re: BioKPlus: Freeze-Dried vs Alive by Richard ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 4/16/2003 9:37:42 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 19,455
Hello Nancy
I have been to the biokplus website and checked out the information. It does seem to be "live" bacteria but only 2 strains and both are lactobacilli. However, not much is said as to what diary products are used and how these diary products are processed to be food for the bacteria to keep them alive.
Do you know that lactobacilli are only effective in the upper GI tract? They are not at all effective in the colon/bowel? Most health issues come from an unhealthy colon/bowel and bifidumbacterium is the best bacteria for cleansing the colon.
A good probiotic must have as many strains as possible irrespective of whether they fight each other. Furthermore, biokplus does not protect the bacteria from the strong stomach acids. These acids get to pH1 overnight and is like concentrated hydrochloric acids. They kill almost all living organisms when taken in. That is why a good probiotic must be protected and most are using an enteri-coat. Probiotic works best in an empty stomach and the reason why they must be consumed first thing in the morning.
I hope the above explains to you why biokplus may be effective only to a certain extent and the reason they need 50 billion to start with. Most will be killed by the stomach acids and few get to the intestines...
You might want to go to the website link below and compare it to LB12. Thanks
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