What seems to have worked wonders for my acne is: by #165193 ..... Acne Forum
Date: 4/6/2003 12:10:28 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 3,547
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=419138
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Hey I am so sorry. Its just that I haven't been online much oflate and I think I somehow missed your message on the days I was online.
Anyway, don't you get worried. If things could work for me, they can work for anyone. I felt as much a hopless case not long ago. I think I have done a lot more since I last posted that message. The Bentonite clay and the cleanses apart, what seems to have worked wonders for me is :following the food for my blood type. I am O+ and I am currently religiously following the list and I see awesome results. You don't have to cut out everything but do cut out from your diet to the extent possible everything in the list of 'avoids' for your blood type. Maybe there is something you are eating that you are not suppposed to.I was eating plenty of lentils all these years only to discover that it is in the list of avoids for my blood type- a week after I stopped eating lentils, the recurrence of Acne reduced drastically. You can find the list at:
People have different views on the accuracy of this list but it seems to have worked perfectly for me. I had cut out a whole load of things from my diet too earlier but now I have made it a point to watch this list.I make sure that I consume atleast a couple of items from the list of beneficials everyday. I do hope it works for you too.
That apart, work outs help- sometime when we don't have much physical activity, the metabolism can slow down which in turn can slow down elimination of unwanted stuff from the body.
Don't get discouraged if you have not seen results yet.It took me three months to figure what worked for me. When I did, it worked wonders. You need to stay patient and soon you'll start seeing results. Not to forget, drink lots of water.
I am continuing to use Bentonite as a soap substitute and face mask- and the skin texture is getting better - it has tightened up too.
I do hope this list works for you. And keep up with the cleasnes too. Don't give up on them.
Take care and keep us updated
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