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Supersport's Rant of TRUTH by supersport ..... Evolution & Creationism Debate

Date:   7/10/2006 10:02:33 AM ( 18 y ago)
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My belief in God is evidence-based. I base this on the fact that everything in this world operates on feedback. Humans, and every other animal in the world contain a dynamic relationship between their internal and external environments. And each feeds off the other. Feedback on both levels is in constant motion and in constant communication. There is an internal switch in every creature that feeds off of external cues. This is as obvious as you are looking at this screen right now.

But not only that, it is my contention that EVERYTHING in this universe operates on feedback. As humans we have internal feedback that tells us when things aren’t operating correctly inside our bodies. Chronic heartburn, for example can tell you that you’ve been eating the wrong foods. We also have internal feelings – which can trigger physical sensations -- that stem from external feedback from others.

And there are lots of examples of external feedback. In fact, almost everything we do in life requires some type of feedback. Our jobs, our relationships, our conversations on here. Feedback is the universal phenomenon at every level of God’s creation. Ultimately, every life-form is a virtual 2-way street of internal and external feedback.

But I have to wonder, is consciousness a universal phenomenon like feedback? Does consciousness only happen in humans? Does consciousness extend to other animals? Dogs, cats, bears, mice? Does consciousness extend to moths and ants and birds and bugs? Does consciousness extend to viruses and bacteria? Does consciousness extend to plants and trees and flowers and grass? Does consciousness extend to raindrops and sunrays? How about sticks and rocks? Does consciousness extend to the sun, earth, stars and galaxies? Does consciousness extend throughout the whole incredible universe?

Ultimately does consciousness exist in all feedback at every level of nature?

I mean all matter is made up of atoms. Ultimately atomic particles are made of wisdom, and wisdom is the product of thought – and thought is the result of consciousness. God is truly in everything! His thought is everywhere…and ultimately, thought is the originator of everything that’s around us -- including us. Feedback can be physical, mental, or spiritual.

However you evolutionists think differently. Your head is permenantly lodged in the sand. You think everything was a result of chance. Somehow you think that the origin of life -- and all its inherent laws – are explained through accidents. But as I see it, chance has been given every opportunity in Science to prove itself – yet what do we have? A big, fat ZERO…and the bottom line is that every time chance is given the opportunity to prove its assumed fundamental role in the order of the universe, it ends up being a embarassing disaster.

It’s a sick and twisted world we live in where Science masquerades itself as reality and reality is put on the highest bookshelf so nobody can see it.

I have proven on here that nothing in life is a result of chance. You people who have your heads stuck in the sand need to WAKE UP. Quit lisntening to people who appear to be smarter than you....because "SMARTS" has nothing to do with it. Everything in this world is based on common sense -- not human "intelligence". I suggest you say a small prayer tonight and ask God to open your heart -- because through your heart, God will reveal the truth of everything around you. S


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