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Re: What you think upon grows by archus ..... Affirmations & Positive Thinking

Date:   4/10/2006 8:50:36 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   744

Hi Invincible:

I have a question for you. I am in a very precariuos situation at work. I have a new boss who initially liked me right away and as did I like him instantly. After a while he really started to bug me since he asked the most stupidest questions ever. Also after explaining everything about a project he will come to me and ask same questions again and again. i finally got tired but did not show that to him.

Now I found out that he actually is taking money under the table from the vendors he brings in. He is shameless in telling me to increase the scope of work. we are at a stage where he thinks I am going to get him because everyhting I do is toatly clean and honest. He has a few other men who are ganged up to do the same. They all put presuure on me and also try hard to convert me.

I think all the negative thoughts about running a sting operation to get them by taping them taking money under the table. I loose sleep everyday over this. I have tried many times to say to myself to live and let live then they do something negative to me when I return to my thoughts of getting back at them.

How do I solve this puzzle? If I don't do anything about it they are going to kill me or get me out of there. How can I continue thinking of good and positive things?

Thank you.


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