Re: Religion & Physics. Who am I ? by worldseeker1 ..... Affirmations & Positive Thinking
Date: 9/11/2005 3:05:03 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 3,260
Dear Israel Sadovnik .
In a personal search for the meaning of life I recently came accross this quote from a Teacher in England. He says:
"I am a retired teacher of English and experienced Director of Youth Theatre with over sixty productions under my belt…(Radley College Head of Drama 1980 - 1993).
I was asked to proof-read UNLOCK REALITY and hence have read it several times. After only a few pages it became a labour of pleasure, and it left me in no doubt that it has the power to influence young and old alike in a very positive and constructive way.
The text is not like a journey: it is a journey - the route clearly sign-posted and with fascinating sightseeing tours along the way. It is as though the reader is assigned his or her own personal Guide who points out important landmarks and reveals that all difficulties and contradictions are actually only apparent - not in fact real. By so doing, the text is able to successfully UNLOCK the true REALITY. Scientific and Spiritual explanations for the profound mystery and purpose of Life walk hand-in-hand as mutual friends: they do not argue - rather they find themselves in agreement on every finer point of detail.
I have no hesitation whatsoever in highly recommending UNLOCK REALITY to one and all: it really could change your life!"
James W. Hare
The bit where he says:
"Scientific and Spiritual explanations for the profound mystery and purpose of Life walk hand-in-hand as mutual friends: they do not argue - rather they find themselves in agreement on every finer point of detail."
very much reflects the essence of your accounts.
I'm sorry I am unable to ad anymore from this book which is called Unlock Reality as I am currently in search of it after reading such accounts by those who have read pre-release copies, but this line from Mr Hare confirms while it need only be true to you as you say, the unification appears to be fact for all as well. It would appear this information in a simple form is on it's way to us and what you see as extra-ordinary will be reguarded as common fact sooner than you might think!
Thank you for taking the time to relate your story. Happiness to you.
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