Re: We Want America Back!!! by Rikki-Tikki-Tavi ..... Christianity (Biblical) Support
Date: 1/22/2006 9:25:16 PM ( 19 y ago)
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We Want America Back!!!
Stanza #1:
Something is wrong with America.
She once held the Bible as her conscience and guide.
But we’ve allowed those who hold nothing to be sacred,
Like Sodom of old, to push morals aside.
Where are the men who once stood for right?
And the women who championed their cause?
We must return to the values we lost,
Before this country we love is totally lost.
We want America back.
We want America back,
From those who have no self-control,
We want America back.
This nation is like a runaway train,
Headed down the wrong track,
It’s time for the army of God to arise,
And say we want America back.
Narrative to be used (before singing Stanza#2):
I love America. But I do not love what she has become.
Our children are asked to attend public schools that in many cases resemble war zones,
without even the most basic right of any soldier...the right to pray to the God of heaven.
Many times a wild-eyed, drug-addicted, gun-carrying teenager is allowed to stay in school,
while our Supreme Court decided to expel God from the classroom over thirty years ago.
Something is wrong. Television daily bombards the senses of our nation with the idea that wrong is right,
that the abnormal is normal, that the abhorrent is acceptable, and that what God calls an abomination is
nothing more than an alternate life-style. And it’s had an effect. Thirty years ago, the number one television
program in America was “The Andy Griffith Show.” Look what we have today. Something is wrong.
When our government can pass out contraceptives to children is school with out parental consent,
and yet the Gideons can no longer pass out the Bible on campus...something is wrong.
When our leaders can tell your children and mine that premarital sex is alright as long as it’s safe...yes...
something is wrong. And I for one am ready for a change. I will say to my government, “I’m not raising
dogs at my house; I’m raising children...created in the image and likeness of almighty God.
And I’m going to teach them the Bible. If the Bible says it’s’s right.
And if the Bible says it’s’s wrong.”
The only hope that America has is that Godly men and women will stand together as one might army and
declare to the immoral, the impure, the obscene and the foul,
“Your days of unlimited access the minds of America are over.
The army of God, that has been silent for too long, is taking America back!”
We want America back.
We want America back,
From those who have no self-control,
We want America back.
This nation is like a runaway train,
Headed down the wrong track,
It’s time for the army of God to arise,
And say we want America back.
It’s time for the army of God to arise,
And say we want America back!!
Credits: "The Steeles".
Author of Lyrics: Jeff Steele.
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