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Re: rife for fungal infections? by Johny Apple Bomb ..... Rife Forum: Bio Resonance

Date:   7/12/2006 10:59:05 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   4,490

I think Rife could work but it is high tech and would require the proper equipment to get the signal to the needed areas of the body. I would first try simpler ways.

1. Beck Protocol.

2. Colloidal Ionic silver.

3. Drink plenty of ozonated water.

4. Make sure your saliva and urine has the proper ph levels. This will cause higher oxygen levels which will kill fungus. //

5. Get some food grade hydrogen peroxide and mix the proper amount in distilled water then drink it. //,589,2948

Their are many options. Just a few off the top of my head that are likely to cure you. Just try them until you find what works for your situation.


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