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Montmorillonite / Bentonite by Monty ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   7/16/2002 11:44:25 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   2,873

Internal detoxification with clay. I have been talking montorillonite (main ingredient of Bentonite)for 7 months 2 size O capsules at night before bed.(about 700mg each) The difference in energy levels, alertness, stamina and all round well being is fantastic. An amazing side effect of this also is that hangovers are a thing of the past.(Cold and flues seem to have disappeared also)
I have givern 20 or so friends of mine, capsules to take and without exception all have felt the same as me. One friend has had chronic fatigue syndrom for 10 years and now she can't believe her energy levels. Another is a farmer and has been fatigued for about 4 years, I suspect chemical poisoning, he was back to normal after 4 weeks on the clay.(He has now been on the clay for 3 months)This web site started the process of investigation into the mineral(which I have a large supply of)and has consequently increased the well being of at least 20 people, thankyou keep up the good work.
ps.This email comes from as far away from the US as you can get
Perth Western Australia

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