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Message of HOPE from a blind man by nooley ..... Christianity (Biblical) Support

Date:   4/26/2004 12:25:00 PM ( 20 y ago)
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Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

Mark 10:46Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (that is, the Son of Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside begging. 47When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
48Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
49Jesus stopped and said, "Call him." So they called to the blind man, "Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you." 50Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
51"What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see."
52"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

Now as we break down this wonderful story of hope. We have to take into consideration the who, why and where of whats going on. We can also take a look on the effects on us today. Not meaning to sound like a selfish Christian by asking, “whats in it for us?” for we have grown “spoiled” to Jesus coming as a servant to serve rather than be served. Mark 10:45

1) 46Then they came to Jericho
Everyone remembers the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. An oasis, irrigated by the Jordan river.
A place of comfort in the middle of desolation? Is that a good definition of oasis?

2) As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city.
As we can see, apparently Jesus had accomplished much in Jericho, his ministry there had grown to a large crowd. He was leaving the city and was continuing with his destiny.

3) a blind man, Bartimaeus (that is, the Son of Timaeus)
the word Bar is translated to say “son of” Timaeus translated to corrupted one, or troubled one, or polluted one. Now taking into consideration that not only was this man blind, but every time he heard his name he had stand judgment by name as the son of a polluted or corrupted man. You think you have it so bad. Here is a man destined to live his life as a man on the long end of a short rope. Only existing, not living and possibly wishing to just be dead.
It reminds me of the story someone sent me in an email that went something like this: A man cried out to God “Lord, Lord my cross is too much to bear, I can carry it no more” After some time of listening to this, the Lord transported him to heaven to respond to his cry. Jesus led him to a huge room full of crosses. Jesus instructed him to lay his cross down. He said, my son I have heard your cry for help. I will give you this time to lay your cross down and choose another, for as a Christian, we must bear our cross. But you will have this one chance to choose your cross for yourself. The man looked and looked and searched for what seemed like hours in this huge room. After which he walks up to this little tiny cross hidden in a corner, almost unable to be seen. Then exclaims…THIS ONE..i’ll take this one. Very well, Jesus said, you will live with this choice once and for all. The man naturally agreed. When the man exited the room with his cross, he noticed.
It was the same cross he walked in with.
As selfish, spoiled humans we tend to magnify our problems as though they are too unbearable to handle. When we are challenged to walk in the shoes of someone else, we are quick to turn away and say, “it’s not my problem”. Without sounding callous or unfeeling, please brothers and sisters, pickup your cross, die to your flesh, repent of your pride and envy and move toward your destiny. Blessings will come and your cup WILL runneth over.

4) was sitting by the roadside begging.
It wasn’t enough this man was blind and destitute, its just natural for that time and era for him to have no income and had to reduce himself to begging. The ridicule, the spitting, the insults, people hitting him and he never knew it was coming. People putting rocks in his container. Some even stealing what he did have. Him never knowing he had it the whole time. Family turning their backs on him in shame. Never knowing what a true friend really is.
And you think you have it bad at your job? Wake up and smell the free coffee in the lounge. You know the one on the counter next to the free donuts someone brought in?

5) 47When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth
Faith cometh by HEARING, hearing of the word of GOD. Jesus was the word made flesh. And this man HEARD. His savior was near and he had no other chance at salvation. Nothing he could do on his own could get it. It was a free gift from his Lord. The Lord he had chosen only by hearing, not by seeing. I hear so many people declaring, when I see it, I will believe it. Well, Jesus said, Blessed are those who believe without seeing. What better showing of this by a blind man choosing Jesus as his Lord. How much more advantage do you have being able to read this, to choose the path of righteousness, pick up your cross and follow the true savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

6) he began to shout,
Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. What, you mean I have to seek him??? Does he not love me enough that he wont seek me??? If he really wants me to follow him and believe, why doesn’t he show himself and prove to me??
Of course he loves you enough to do that. He’s been seeking you all of your life. That’s why he was even NEAR the blind man. How many times have you heard the Gospel and you walked away? How many times has Jesus beckoned for your love and you did as Peter and denied him? He walks near and you put your head down in shame. I don’t want my friends to know I believe, are your thoughts. How embarrassing you think when you see people in your church raising their hands in praise. Why be embarrassed?? You raised your hands and screamed when the rock star or the rap star came out for their concert. Last I checked, none of them could save you. Heck, they wouldn’t even give you the time of day. One step of faith on your part. One small seek. One small, Jesus if youre there, please meet me halfway. ONE SMALL…PLEASE LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME !!!! Is that too much to ask? A small price to pay for a God that sent his only son, to not only DIE for your salvation, but took beating after beating, for you to only need to choose to love him. Yes, we have free will, thank God we do. What good is a forced love? If he has to prove anything to you, it would be forced love. He wants free will love. The kind of love that runs deeper than the deepest oceans. The kind of love that makes you want to scream, I LOVE YOU !!!! makes you WANT to raise your hands in surrender. The way you do at your rock concert. NO NO…I wont give to the church, all they want is my money. I wont give to the poor, I wont give to God. If God is all powerful why does he need my money?? But…you give $80.00 a ticket to go to a rock concert time and time again. And there STILL is no salvation there for you. You raise your hands in praise to them and yet they have no answer for you. God had an answer. The answer was his son Jesus. The most valuable gift of all, and yet free.

7) "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
Seems the blind man knew who he was calling on didn’t he? SON OF DAVID. The greatest king that ever lived. Man of God, and in the lineage of Jesus, the savior. As prophesied in the Old Testament. This blind man never read the scriptures. He was BLIND. But he knew who Jesus was.
And he yelled…HAVE MERCY ON ME. We cry for mercy everyday for our circumstances. Yet, do we know on who we are calling? We call the bank, have mercy on me. We call the landlord, have mercy on me. We call the hospital, have mercy on me.
All we have to do is cry to the one that will listen. Jesus, have mercy on me. Forgive my sins. I don’t want to live like this anymore !!!!!!!
Here is a blind man, dieing and destitute with no chance of ever living a decent life, asking Jesus to have mercy on him. Go figure. He knew his place and he knew the place of his Lord. He knew without a doubt Jesus would hear. FAITH in him who sent his son, to suffer and die for our sins.

8) 48Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
How embarrassing, a low life expecting our Lord to actually help him??? Why not? He helped you. But even more amazing, he saved me.
Remember my friends, brothers and sisters.
For every step you take away from God, there will be someone there waiting on you, to tell you, “It’s ok, you don’t have to pray, you don’t have to read your Bible, you don’t have to thank God for what he’s given you”. Even the BIG…”you don’t need Jesus to go to heaven”…poor misguided souls.
But he didn’t give up. He yelled even LOUDER…"Son of David, have mercy on me!"
When it seems God isn’t answering, don’t give up my friends. He is there. “I will never leave you or forsake you”. Isaiah said :His word never returns unto him void. Just because it doesn’t happen immediately, doesn’t mean he isn’t listening. God is never late, but he’s always on time. Trust me, I know from experience, he will test your faith till the last minute. He may not answer the way you want, but he will answer in a far batter way than what you asked. You just have to trust. What?? Trust a God I cant see? Yes. Why not? You trust air that you cant see. Your trust gravity that you cant see.

9) 49Jesus stopped
I actually don’t even need to comment on this do I? Jesus stopped. He had his attention. He heard the cry of a beggar, a man destined for death up to this point. You think you’ve been too wicked? Jesus wouldn’t answer me, I’ve sinned way too much. LOL…email me sometime, I’ll tell you what sin in someone’s life is all about.
Don’t let him pass you by again. You know who I’m talking to. YES YOU. Stop him NOW. Before its too late. He’s passing next to you right now.
Cry out to him. JESUS HAVE MERCY ON ME !!! get his attention my friend. He waits with open arms. Longing for your love. Longing to love you in return.

10) and said, "Call him”
So many times someone is sent into our lives to minister to us and we ignore them. We say “I want to hear from GOD himself.” Let me tell you something my friends. God uses the faithful. Not the perfect, not the pretty, not the smooth talker. The faithful. Listen and discern, God speaks to us from different venues.

11) So they called to the blind man, "Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you."
Why did they have to tell him to cheer up? Jesus was near, why wasn’t he elated? Why wasn’t he besides himself with excitement? I think the question should be. How much scorn and insult and persecution can one man take? They had mocked him so much and for so long, even HE wasn’t sure Jesus would answer. But…he did. He’s calling you. OH MY GOD. He’s calling me. What do I wear? How does my hair look? Are my nails done? Did I shave this morning? He’s not going to call my Cell Phone will he? I’m almost out of minutes. Will anyone think I’m crazy? Heck, will I think I’m crazy??? WHO CARES???? HE’S CALLING YOU. ANSWER

12) 50Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
Why was it so important to mention that he threw his cloak aside? Why was it so important to mention he jumped to his feet?
Understanding that in that time and era, the cloak was the way one was identified. Even if prosecuted, no one could take the cloak. It was all a man had for himself. The throwing of the cloak signified this man shedding his past life, being BORN AGAIN.
He jumped to his feet. Are we so deceived by satan that we are in shock when Jesus calls us? Apparently so, even when Jesus was physically there. But here is the important thing.
HE CAME TO JESUS. He came … enough said.

13) 51"What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him.
Seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given to you. You receive not because you ask not. Jesus wants your proclamation. Every time you make your request make it with thanksgiving and praise. Phil 4:6-7
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he will hear us. 1 john 5:14-15.

14) The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see."
Was this man only talking about his sight? Nah. He wanted to see the truth. If it was only his eyes he was concerned with he probably would have said…Rabbi heal my eyes. But he said “I want to SEE” Everyone would love to see. But not many are willing to sacrifice. Even less are willing to ask. The blind man was hidden from truth all his life and his eyes were about to be opened. The most remarkable thing about this is something not even mentioned. Why? Maybe cause the author figured it didn’t need to be. But here it is in all its Glory.
The first thing the man saw when he could see, was JESUS’ face. OH MY, what a glorious site indeed. All that love and compassion staring at you eye to eye. ( I fall to my knees in worship and thanksgiving).

15) 52"Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you."
What?????? My faith has healed me????? My faith???? Not YOUR faith Jesus? Are you saying I need to have faith? What a novel thought. I thought only the faith of the faith healer was needed. Although Jesus had enough faith for the universe. He surely didn’t need to proclaim it. He wants YOU to proclaim it. So if you’re needing healing and you go to a crusade or prayer meeting expecting that person to heal you, expect to be disappointed, for it is not man doing the healing, it is only God. My faith has healed me. WOW…what faith? My faith in God and in only God, nothing or no one else.

16) Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
Immediately…WOW…that’s pretty quick. He received his sight. He saw truth. And what did he do after he saw truth? He followed Jesus. Cut and dry. Black and White. What else could hinder a miracle you’re seeking? A miracle done without giving all Glory to God? Maybe accepting the miracle and putting God on the back burner again? Only calling on God when you need him? Didn’t you just complain about a friend only calling you when they needed you? Hmmmmmm. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

I write this not of warning, but of HOPE. Hope for those who feel they don’t deserve forgiveness. Hope for those that think they are too far gone. Hope for those who have been shamed, insulted, persecuted, spit on. In need of healing, in need of love, hope and salvation. To find it in the last place you’d look. To find out it was a lot easier to attain than you thought. To find out you didn’t need to pay money to get it, or had to earn it in some way.
But to find the true GIFT of salvation. That only the Son of God can provide.

Do you know my friend Jesus today?


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