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Re: How many days! by bewhatuc ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   4/25/2004 2:47:09 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   967


In my experience. I started the fast with the same ideas that you have and the fast turned out to be so much more...Its not about the de-tox its not about the wieght loss those are just bonuses. It turned into for me, about the body , mind and soul becoming one.

On day ten which was my first goal I knew that I was not ready to give up the fast, my mind what not at all where it should have been.(in was in mc donalds parking lot of all places , and to boot I never eat fast food anyways).

So I took a day of reflection the following day, doing a lot of reading and thinking and I finally was able to get my mind where it needs to be. I'm on day 13 and I feel my fasting will be ending soon, however I am taking it one day at a time. If I go till 21 I would not be surprised.

I also plan on fasting every other day for a month or so, as a reminder and just to set in stone that I plan on being a healthy,grounded,spirital person from here on out.

So the answer to your question can only be answered by you.


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