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Re: liquid nitrogen by #53787 ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis

Date:   2/11/2006 12:30:27 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   5,755

Just a few questions about your experience with lip cauterization (to user #43345):

1) When they use the laser to burn off the skin, what does it look like directly afterwards (like before the new healthy skin comes in)?
2) How long does it take the specific area to grow back healthy (after cauterization)?
3) When the specific area is healing, does it produce a crust that falls off once, revealing healed skin for 3/4 of a year; or does it just heal without a crust?
4) Do you have any scars on your lips as a result of this cauterizing?
5) If this works for a small part of the affected area, then it should work for the whole affected area right?

This seems like a bit of an easy fix to me, so I just wanted to confirm that cauterizing really does the trick (at least, for the 3/4 of a year that you mentioned).


(if you could try to number the answers 1 - 5 like in the questions, that would be apprechiated. thanks)

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