To Valtrex or Not? by Pink007 ..... Herpes Simplex 1 Forum
Date: 3/1/2006 3:19:30 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 1,986
I have had HSV Type 2 for two and a half months. I get a new outbreak every 2 weeks. My outbreaks are mild, always only 1 or 2 blisters, but the frequency is on the severe end of the scale. I went back to my doctor yesterday and he suggested that I take Valtrex for 3 to 6 months, which will apparently stop the outbreaks completely whilst I continue to take it.
I have read everything on this forum and I know a lot of people believe that it is not good to take supressive medication and instead to let your body learn to fight it itself. I gave my doctor this arguement and he said that there is no evidence to show that your body is not learning to fight it even when you are on Valtrex. He said that after 6 months or so on Valtrex, once I stop taking it, my outbreaks should be less frequent. Now, he's a doctor and he should know, but I know this directly contradicts what many people believe.
I would like to know if anyone has had experience taking Valtrex or other surpressive medication and found that once they stopped taking it, their outbreaks were less frequent than before? Would love to hear from anyone who has taken Valtrex or similar and what your experince with it is.
Thanks a lot.
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