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Re: Thanks for the kind words... by #37170 ..... Anorexia & Bulimia Forum

Date:   9/1/2005 1:30:04 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   6,990

To answer your initial question about how one can have energy to exercise when on a very low calorie diet, well... I usually don't have energy but I push myself very hard at times... drag myself out of bed and use dangerous stimulants like coffee and ephedrine. No, I would not recommend that to anyone cause you can DIE. The days that I do use ephedrine, I make sure to get enough potassium and no salt at all.
I push myself to exercise and the rest of the time I take naps. Oh yeah, you can lose 2 lbs a day but it is exhausting. You have to exercise and eat 5 tiny meals a day to try to keep the muscle loss minimal and to burn the biggest amount of fat. Plus drink 3 liters of pure water a day. Your favorite music pumping out of your headphones will help you get into it too. Oh ya, and the more water I drink, the more energy I have. I get more energetic after a few days or a week of intensive exercising... the beginning is hard. It is really all about willpower and how badly you want it... it should be the only thing on your mind even though that is crazy to normal people, but athletes are like that too. No pain no gain I guess... beauty knows no pain and all that. You will win the pageant if you are the hardest working girl. It's just as simple as that. Just don't kill yourself or do stupid things like vomit or use laxatives or diuretics. Replenish your electrolytes and always have some electrolyte enhanced water with you wherever you go, for emergencies! The best way to do it of course is to drink fresh green juice every day and to eat raw salads and salmon oil supplements and stuff. It is hard to suppress your appetite so you have to find a system that works for you and do the same thing every day. Skip or cut back drastically on your salt/sodium-intake.

I will give you one Golden tip... try those 'Windsor Pilates' tapes, especially 'accelerated body sculpting' cause they DO work miraculously and in less time than all the other types of exercise. You can shrink and get beautifully toned and start noticing after the first time. They will definately get you pageant-ready if you do the 60-minute routine every day (or better, multiple times a day). There are only a couple of dreadful exercises like 'the teaser' and some others but you can skip those at first untill you are strong enough to do them.
Stick with raw foods, they will make your skin and hair look good (and keep your butt cellulite-free). If you can, go to a sauna a couple times a week.

I wish we could be friends in real life so we could work out together and drag eachother out of bed to exercise hehehe. I will be going on a diet-and-exercise-from hell- thing for the next 12 days. It'll be Pilates, treadmill, bike, skating, housekeeping, etc. every day non stop.

Sorry guys I know I am supposed to say things to help people recover from their ED's or not to encourage anyone to develop an ED but I am not recovered myself so it makes no sense to me to tell someone else to get better when I am telling myself otherwise... I just wish that anorexics and bulimics at least will know to keep their electrolyte levels in check and to minimize any danger they are doing to themselves, if that is possible at all... knowledge is power and we all should try to help eachother prevent any health issues related to ED's, cause many ED sufferers won't recover just like that. We should all know the dangerous symptoms and what to do in case of emergencies. Does anyone know anything about this? Any doctors around?

Of course I wish that no girl in the world would feel 'not good enough' or that she had to be valued for her body or weight, but I don't know how to change the world or my own mind. Hugs to you all.


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