Re: Hepatitis B Vaccine Linked To Multiple Sclerosis by Aleksej ..... Hepatitis B Vacc. Adverse Reactions
Date: 10/2/2004 5:59:44 PM ( 21 y ago)
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Just sit and watch:
"Panel of experts" will be put together to investigate this claim, and they will find several flaws in this study.
Money will be invested in new epidemiological studies, that will not only find that Hepatitis B vaccine is not associated with higher risk of MS, but actually if you are vaccinated against Hepatitis B, your risk of getting MS is 10% lower.
As "I am able to see the future" (I forgot to mention that, did I? ), I am going to read that article from a newspaper that will be published somewhere during the 2006.
Year 2006
Friday, 25 March, 2006, 12:14 GMT 13:14 UK
"Panel Finds No Evidence to Tie MS to Hep B Vaccines"
>>Yesterday the Department of Health produced a long and detailed rebuttal of Dr Miguel's latest allegations, based on reviews of his work carried out by independent scientists on the joint committee on vaccination and immunisation and the committee on the safety of medicines. "<<
>>Professor Brian Duerden, medical director of the public health laboratory service, said yesterday that he could find "no hard scientific basis at all" for Dr Miguel's claims. "He is a fervent believer in his views on this," said Prof Duerden. "One person's idiosyncrasy and interpretation puts the vaccination programme and the need to protect children at risk." <<
>>The Immunization Safety Review Committee at the Institute of Medicine, which is affiliated with the National Academy of Sciences, was formed fife years ago to examine similar issues. The group, composed of expert physicians and scientists "with no connections to the pharmaceutical industry", met eight times to gather evidence on the claims. <<
>>The committee emphasized that it carried out its mandate from a neutral position: the weight of evidence would indicate only whether it was possible to favor or reject a link between vaccines and MS.<<
>>In 2006, the committee issued two reports. The first concluded that the Hep B vaccine was not likely to cause MS based on the epidemiological evidence. ... <<
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