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the bible is an indictment against the human race! by Shenandoah2 ..... Gnostic Support Forum

Date:   10/17/2004 12:08:23 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,130

the bible is an indictment against the human race!

the minute you post something that claims the bible is true, you open up the floodgates to all those who who claim it is not. how does one convince another that it is? in point of fact you cannot, and it is useless to try to do so. however, jesus christ said it was true, and further told the entire human race that he would prove it to them. so then the skeptics have no avenue of escape at the end when they perish and meet their creator, for they denied him at every turn. the warnings fell on deaf ears.

when you examine and research the ancient writings, and compare them with today's concepts, you find the same hostility towards truth. it is simply a verification of the real nature of the heart of man: evil and wicked beyond anything we can imagine.

jeremiah 17:9
the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

now that statement is either collectively true or it is false. it is a statement about a fallen human race. the fall itself made our hearts so wicked we cannot even begin to comprehend it. if we cannot admit to our evil, our wicked nature, then of course we have no need of any redeemer or salvation, and as jesus christ said, he did not come to save the righteous. why? not because they do not need redemption, but because they, holding themselves out to be righteous, cannot come to the light of divine love and have their deeds compared to that standard. they will not come to the true light of divine love. thus, when they die, holding themselves out as experts on things spiritual, find out the hard way that the standard by which all people in the whole world will be measured by is divine love. and sad to say, no one can measure up to it.

the entire issue of the bible, the controversy that god has with mankind is over this one single issue, the love issue. many call it sin. but the root issue, the issue that every soul must settle with god is the love issue, for that is the standard by which god measures every single human life. when a person dies, his life is measured against the divine love of god. because of the fall, mankind is devoid of divine love, but has a much more inferior love, but that inferior love is not at all equal or even the same type as the love of god. therefore the person stands before his/her creator naked, with no defense whatsoever. that person is then declared lost, and is sent away. christ came to planet earth to become the defense minister, or attorney for every soul that comes to him for "salvation". christ's reputation as a defense minister in the court of heaven is astounding, for he has never lost a case. his clients are always acquitted, and the charges against them dropped. not once has he ever lost such a case, and in fact he never will. that is, if the clients have come to him in truth to be set free.

the bible is a book of charges against the human race. it is an indictment. a grand jury was called, the witnesses testified, and enough evidence was found to bring the case to trial. therefore every single human soul stands before their creator charged, but indeed, innocent until proven guilty. the books of life are opened. the pages are turned, the life-span reviewed. the creator is looking for something, going over every single item, every second, every minute, every hour of that soul's life. if he can find it, that soul will be acquitted, set free. if he cannot find it, that soul will be sent away to a place not pleasant.

what is he looking for? he is looking to see if that soul in truth, ever came to the only defense attorney that is allowed to practice before the high bench of the supreme court of heaven. is it anywhere in the records? did they miss something? was an error made? they search high and low and find nothing to indicate such a move was ever made.

jesus christ steps forward. "your honor, this soul never came to me for help. we have no record of it anywhere in this soul's existence." that soul is then found guilty and sent away. that's the way it is folks, like it or lump it, hate it or love it, that's the story and that's the reality of our position before god.

so when people claim the bible is stupid, dull, a lie, or has many errors within it, they do not realize that they have, at that time, lest they repent, fired the only defense attorney allowed to practice before the throne of almighty god. therefore they lose, big time. not only are they found guilty, it is with extreme prejudice, and the case can never be appealed or heard again. doesn't sound very smart to me, but then, what do i know?


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