Re: Nightshade vegetables, arthritis, and and a cyber-hug for HOPINSO by hopinso ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 8/13/2006 8:50:05 AM ( 19 y ago)
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Corey, THANK YOU for your words. Lately I have had someone following me around and making very negative and insulting remarks to a lot of what I say. He even accused me of being "the blind leading the blind". Most of me knows that the problem is with the person who feels he needs to attack and insult people (I am not the only one he has gone after), but it was getting me down. The moderators have done nothing when I hit the alert button and I was beginning to think they agreed with this person and I was wasting my time and effort here. You have just made my day and made my resolve to get through this ordeal a lot stronger. Most of all, I'm glad I was able to help. There's a saying here that fresh 'maters are the birthright of every Arkansan, and I can rarely enjoy them either.
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