Re: a bee's life by #68812 ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 8/1/2006 5:10:45 PM ( 19 y ago)
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"Where is the "love" in shrugging your shoulders at even one bee's death? What is the difference between the life of a supposedly humble bee and the life of your son, daughter, nephew or niece?"
yes. I know some will scoff, and some will even find cause to be angered by such a statement.
I was looking (in vain, I might add)for a post I know was somewhere hereabouts, fascinating: about one woman's regression through 'other' lives to determine the source of various blocks. I'd always had a sort of arrogant assumption that it isn't possible to 'descend' to non-human lives after enjoying one as a human, even though it is taught -and I recognize- that 'precious human life' is as rare as a daystar, and to waste it on NOT coming to full awareness is a sort of crime against one's Self,( as well as others.) If *sin* exists, then this is its clothing: ignorance and error.
The stream of one's 'being' can be so long as to confound any thought about what caused which effect. In one life "she" was a another a another, being tortured by being in a pit with was a curious unravelling, to see it all: the fear and loathing of spiders that existed "now", the being a grasshopper, happy to jump and knowing little else, then caught in a web...or, or...and amazing, to grasp a sense of how ignorance just continues. Not knowing, leading to more errors, leading to more 'balancings'...back to beginningless time. That gives one pause. Only love awakens. Or leads us that way. Most of us can't remember one life, let alone the ancient imprints that might be in operation under the guise of "that's who I am".
"all beings, our mothers..." goes the beginning of a Buddhist prayer, which is more a vow of compassion. This is meant not as philosophy, but in truth, as *reality*.
Imagine every one, now, in the past or in the future, as your mother.That means *ALL* beings. Countless...impossible to refrain from killing some, by accident, but still. Love and wisdom have to start somewwere.
As is sometimes said: the truth needs no defense -- or attack. And it exists whether any 'one' believes (sees) it or not. Far better to see, than to not.
or so it looks from here.
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