Brown splotches on the lower legs? by #25098 ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 7/1/2006 7:56:47 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 24,997
Once my legs were the strongest part of my body.
I could go up and down stairs two by two, and climb hills quite well. The leg-focussed exercise machines at the gym, the few times I went, gave me little problem, even when I had excess abdominal weight.
When I had a small blister on top of one toe from ill-fitting shoes, I was also sleeping with my husband who had just come home from a stay in hospital (circa 1980).
You guessed it! Staph.
In me it disappeared after about a week. In him it somewhat affected the right side of his body, for two or three weeks.
That was when I noticed the brown splotches creeping over the tops of my feet, and eventually over my shins and calves. It stopped about four inches below my knees.
When I was a kid, I picked up the idea that brown splotches were called 'liver spots' and often showed up on the backs of the hands of the elderly.
Is this subject discussed on the CureZone? How may I find information?
Thanks very much.
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