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I've had WAY too much experience with 'em! MUST READ, methinks. Re: Some in home remedies by unyquity ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   6/7/2006 1:19:36 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   18,036


I have an usual situation wherein I have lipomas (fatty benign tumors of various sizes, pinpoint to pencil eraser)...but my lipomas don't want to stay in my body like most people's (which is actually a good thing), they want to come OUT. And when they push up through my skin, the frequently become infected and produce enormous boils & carbuncles (like the size of 1/2 a golf-ball or bigger). And to top that off, I've dealt on and off with 'normal' boils & carbuncles my entire life (as did most of my father's side of the family).

Going along with the fatback thing, a ground flaxseed HOT poultice seems to be the thing that brings them to a head quickest (maybe it's the oil?). But, as you already know, bringing them to a head and bursting them does not make them go away forever (and neither, sadly will lancing them). Also, I've found other ways to treat mine that are much easier and seem to heal the problem more and prevent recurrence, rather than bringing them to a head and bursting them.

A boil is a bacterial infection, and the best way I've found to combat them and keep them away is either super-strong Colloidal Silver (I use 500 ppm, which some warn against, but I've used it for years without mishap) and/or a VERY high-quality echinacea tincture (which I HIGHLY recommend).

The 500 ppm Colloidal Silver can be purchased here:
500ppm Colloidal Silver - Innovative Natural Products - Better Life

The only two echincea tinctures I've ever found worth buying can be found at either of these two places:
(pure echinacea)
Herb Pharm: Manufacturers of Organic Liquid Herbal Extracts

(an echinacea blend with other immune supporting herbs)

And now here's the real kicker (and major surprise for me). Starting a few weeks ago, I started doing twice weekly coffee enemas (mostly because of the Liver Cleansing properties and because since the lipomas are FATTY tumors the liver is the main organ I need to focus upon to rid myself of them). I have seen a huge reduction in the size of the tumors and the occurence of boils since I started. Not only does the coffee enema cleanse the liver, but when doing a coffee enema, the free radicals throughout the bloodstream are eliminated (which is why it's so incredibly important for cancer treatment!) see documentation here:
Liver Detoxification with coffee enemas - Mind Your Body - Dr. Baylac
///and more information here (which is where one should purchase the ULTIMATE coffee for use in enemas:

Last week I had a HUGE boil under my arm that was extremely painful, red/purple and progressing toward getting far worse before getting better. Since I know that free radicals are just 'no good' for the immune system (and since I'd seen such amazingly positive results with coffee enemas recently) I decided to do a double strength, double coffee enema (2 double strength coffee enemas, back to back). Results: un-frickin'-believable!! Within two hours the overall size of the boil had shrunk by 75% and red/purple coloration had diminished by at least 50%...and the pain/sensitivity was 90% eliminated!! A couple of hours later it produced a small head and by squeezing, about a 1/8 a teasoon of pus was released (which is an abnormally small amount for a boil of that size for me). And even more amazingly, the discharge had absolutely no foul odor! I was (and still am) simply amazed. The area is still red and producing discharge occasionally, but that's because of my lipoma situation (that fatty tumor is still in there and trying to get out of me!). I really believe that if it were a typical boil, it would be completely gone/healed.

Why do I still have them when I claim to know all the cures? I don't want to just treat the 'symptom' (which, in my case, is the boil itself). I've already proven I can make them go away with either echinacea or colloidal silver...but I want to fix the reason they come (which is the lipomas). And since I haven't done enough regular Liver Flushing to completely eliminate them, I still deal with them.

A boil is a localized bacterial infection that your body simply can't whoop...give your body immune system support and/or anti-bacterials and you WILL get rid of that sucker! (Btw, I MUCH prefer & suggest the echinacea, because I don't like or recommend taking anti-bacterials because they kill ALL bacteria, and we NEED the good 'uns). When using high-potency CS you should always take probiotics to replace the good bacteria you kill...but I don't like to mess with probiotics either, because NO ONE knows the balance of what quantity of which bacteria should be re-introduced. Andreas also recommends against their usage.

Whew, that turned into a novel...'hope it provides you some help/insight.

Flush ON!



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