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Help -- Hubby has rashes all over! by fsnaturelady ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   4/13/2006 5:11:43 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,987

Last Friday, we both woke up with a sore throat; mine was gone in a half hour. My hubby's throat deteriorated over the days (without his really considering how sore it was!). At the same time, we decided to stop eating flour and Sugar products (Maker's Diet) and started taking some of the supplements. When he developed a very bad cough and was bringing up some phlegm, I told him to stop the supplements.

On Tuesday, I went to the local HFS and got him a homeopathic vial for Sore Throats; rather than the 4-5 pills, he took 6 (every time!); on Tuesday evening, he had a bath with 4 drops of Oil of Oregano (MH's pure stuff) in the water and two mugs of lemon/honey to drink. On Wednesday, he seemed better; after losing his voice on Tuesday, he could speak on Wednesday.

He took the homeopathic remedy on Wednesday; no bath.

Today, Thursday, he noticed a rash on his forearm, could talk, felt better but still has the incredible hacking cough, trying to get up something. This afternoon, he was going to take a shower, but discovered the bright red rash (looks like sunburn, but it is not) on the back of his arms, his buttocks, his knees to his thighs (a couple of them look like 3" rings), from his waist up about 6" in the back. He is now in the tub, with 4 drops of Oil of Oregano and with two mugs of honey/lemon drink to take.

I was thinking that he was detoxifying very quickly; perhaps taking 6, rather than 4/5 homeopathics might have caused quick detoxifying? Something else?

Once he is out of the tub, I am going to do testing with my flower essences; this would seem to be the quickest way to straighten out the problem (I hope!).

Any suggestions.

He is on no medication and is a very healthy man, but a stressed and worn-down one from our family business. Perhaps just giving him some bread and butter would stop the detox?

Thanks for any help.


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