Re: Amalgams and cleansing by Aharleygyrl ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 4/3/2006 10:21:38 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 1,233
no, it is essentially better to do nothing. it is a catch 22, the healthier you try to be, the more the mercury attacks you. this is because there are many supplements and foods that chelate mercury. you don't want to stir it up in your system and try to chelate it out unless you have gotten rid of the source. although you are trying to get the stuff out of your brain, lymphatic system and organs, it is just going to pull more out of your teeth and make you more ill. the only thing i recommend before removal is acidophilis (because mercury changes the flora of your digestive tract) and enzymes (because mercury depletes enzymes). stomach problems are extremely common with mercury poisoning.
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