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I don't believe in new age either. by Wrenn ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   2/19/2006 12:56:13 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,813

I just believe in being ME.
To recognise valid facts is not putting things in *labeled boxes*
I don't think I fit in any *box* as far as my spiritual views,
experiences etc go.
You don't say a scientist is new age, cause he sees the basic
functional need of north/ south/ gravitation magnectic energy
that sustains our whole universe?
So why would you be so quick to put me there?

Tho others might try to label me, that is their way of trying to
logically and comfortably put me in something they can point to and say :
she is *that way * or believes in this area , etc..

It is OK.
If you want to see me as one way, cause I know that is only a perception
that you choose to see or to read into my words..
It is nothing personal to me really and truly,
I was just observing a fact,
that you may (or may not) choose to ask yourself
why did you *label me* when you would not label a scientist
that same way?

It has no bearing on me, at all personally, since I know who I am,
and as I said , no matter what , we have both *interacted* with each other,
for reasons we may not even fully know til years later *smile*

Maybe even just the *impetus of the message was that I share the water crystals
message and emoto's work with you *smile*
and that is a glorious wonder of itself..

May we all grow beautiful crystals
within ourselves and everyone around us,
With deepest respect and Love,
Ami Joi Benton.


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