Re: Mystery Illness by reflection ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 8/2/2005 9:23:49 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 2,488
Yes it was in the basement. I have a clothes dryer down there that doesn't vent to the outside and also the central air system is down there as well. I initially thought the same thing that it was the mold but I cleaned it up greatly and even purchased an aran air ozone generator that puts out massive amounts of ozone down there and installed a dehumidifier. There is no obvious signs of mold - not even odors now. But my symptoms prevail. I'm of the feeling that the mold was able to penetrate a weakened immunse system possibly as a result of candida or leaky gut. Prior to this I had stopped drinking (i abused alcohol greatly). I also cut out all pork from my diet and because I had acid reflux - I had heard to eat dairy which seems that after I started eating dairy and during that time was when the carpet was removed so I'm thinking this all aggrevated the problem.
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