Some suggestions for you... by Owen ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 6/20/2005 4:21:59 PM ( 20 y ago)
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Dear 28847,
My first suggestion is that you get in touch with
Andreas Moritz, who has a forum here on CureZone.
Andreas is a master diagnostician, and an intuitive
healer. If anyone can tell you what is causing those
whiteheads, it's Andreas.
His forum is a very, very busy place. It's not easy
to post a question. In your place, I would send an
email to Andreas, and explain your problem. Tell him
that Owen suggested it. You could have a healing
session with Andreas via the telephone. It won't be
free, but it could mean the end of your whitehead
problem. Andreas' email address is: Check his website to make sure
that email address is still operative. Read some
of his responses on his website, and then trust your
I have another suggestion that won't cost you a penny.
But first I want to congratulate you for taking such
wonderful care of your body. You have enormous self-
discipline. Very few people have your kind of determination.
You say you're 33. I'd be willing to bet good money
that by Christmas, your whitehead problem will be history. Further, my intuition tells me that when
you're 40, you'll look back on this entire whitehead
ordeal as a Blessing instead of a Curse.
Why? Because you'll realize that were it not for
the whitehead pimples, you would NOT have made the
major changes in your eating-regimen and lifestyle,
that your body, the Deva of your Soul, knew you had
to make. You won't be getting diabetes or cancer
or a host of other illnesses and degenerative conditions in mid-life, because of the quest you set
out on to heal your skin in your early 30's. You'll
sail into your middle years with a superbly healthy
body, and the sure knowledge of how to keep it that
So don't be angry at your body -- anger is THE most
self-destructive emotion -- and don't be angry at the
white pimples. In a very real sense, they forced you to take needed steps that you probably wouldn't
have taken if your skin had been perfect. Or at least
you could try looking at the situation for a month
or so from that viewpoint.
I suggest you talk to your body. I've been talking to
my 64 year-old body for decades, and that's one of the
reasons I'm in excellent health. Every morning, I
spend 20 minutes reading aloud affirmations that are
addressed to my body, mind, and soul. Go to the
affirmations forum, and see if any of the many
affirmations I've posted resonate with you.
You also need to write some of your own affirmations;
something like this: "I love you, my sweeet body!
Love you, love you, love you! I want all of my 75
trillion cells to generate a pulse of electrical energy
right now, and send an internal email to all of my
other cells. Fill the message with Love, Light, Blessings, & Healing Energy. So that every cell is
sending a comparitively small amount of Love, and
receiving an enormous amount of affection. Let me
feel the energy flow as the Love flows through my
"I know that you, my sweet body, know how to heal our
skin of these white pimples. I ask my immune system
to take some of the wonderful nutrients from my food
and supplements, and begin healing our skin. I'm not
angry at the pimples. If not for them, I would not
have made changes that I needed to make. But now I'm
on the Healing Path, and the pimples can dissolve
themselves and go. I ask all of my cells to send
healing energy to my skin cells, so they can begin
dissolving the white pimples. Thank you, thank you,
thank you!"
That's not written in stone. Trust your intuition
to make any changes that seem right. At first, you
may feel very strange talking to your body. But if
you try it for a few months, I think you'll feel the
warmth and wisdom in it.
Keep us posted on your ongoing story. Be positive and
upbeat. You ARE going to heal yourself of this nasty
skin condition! Don't doubt that for even a moment.
I will keep you in my prayers.
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